HELLO 2025 - 1.04.25
I believe that I watched the balloon drop on New Year's Eve. Or, perhaps, I missed it by three seconds while I tried calling my daughter. Anyway, the year is starting off with a bang and a surgery and, more importantly, visits from relatives and a family gathering today. In the theater world, I have several upcoming productions: ONE WORD at Short+Sweet Sydney in Australia, and NATIONAL CUPCAKE DAY with Cone Man Running's Five Mile programming, Texas (rescheduled for February 2025). I received a copy of the anthology, "Frozen Women, Flowing Thoughts" that features monologues of many of my colleagues, including my own 15-minute piece, REGRETTABLE. I am proud that in 2025, I'm about to join the ranks of a non-smoker. It's about time, right? Here's to a happy and healthy new year, everyone! WINTER UPDATE 2024
Somehow my last post has disappeared ... like the warm weather in fall. Whah! Here's an update and few photos to capture the last few months. My one-act play, A TROUBLE SHARED IS A TROUBLE HALVED, was chosen for the 2024 Playwrights and Artists Festival at KNOW Theatre, Binghamton, NY in November. Weather prevented a road trip and I was able to watch via Zoom. The anthology, "Thirty Scenes for Young Women, Age 15-30" was released by Smith and Krause (edited by Irene Ziegler) and includes a scene from my play, UNFATHOMABLE. An AEA-showcase of thematically-connected plays, THE BOOB TUBE PLAYS, was produced by the American Renaissance Theater Company in association with The Tank, with three performances in November to full houses. My story, DOMINOES, was chosen for Volume 37, "The Caribbean Writer" (St. Croix, Virgin Islands) under the theme, "Carrying: Recognition and Repair" (editor Alscess Lewis-Brown). My short play, PRIDE AND JOY, was selected as an Autumn 2024 Scriptwriters & Co Scratch Night Winner (Bath, England). AND FINALLY, ON THE PERSONAL FRONT: My granddaughter Ellery turned six and I just met my great-nephew, Liam, during a visit from my nephew living in Italy. Welcome home, John, Dani, Damian and Liam! THE BOOB TUBE PLAYS |
June has always been a crazy month for me. This year, it was particularly busy. In addition to welcoming great-nephew Liam, celebrating my daughter's birthday, attending my granddaughter's dance recital (photo: tall girl in the middle), and marking 29 years of widowhood (I can't believe it!), my theater world expanded ... in sound. Three audio plays were released in Maine and Nevada ... and I'm pleased with the results. Tomorrow, a developmental reading of WASTED will be presented at the ATHE conference in Atlanta, Georgia. I have a terrific director, dramaturg and cast. Last week, I returned from California (yes, I got on a plane with my sister!) after visiting my nephew and attending the first public reading of IF YOU SEE A HYENA, presented in The Road Theatre Company's SPF Festival. (Twenty-one plays were selected from 900 submissions!) And, oh, I had a great time. Other news: A reading of my play, OVERCOME, was selected for a site-specific challenge for the Anaconda Ensemble Theatre Reading Series in Montana; my monologue, DEAR MELINKA, was selected for the Original Monologue Contest at Talking Horse Productions in Missouri (a fundraiser on video); another short piece, NATIONAL VANILLA CUPCAKE DAY, was selected for a production with Cone Man Running's Five Minute Mile Festival (Holiday Edition), and another monologue, IN CONTRAST, was chosen for a site-specific production in Asphalt Jungle Shorts XXI, produced by Flush Ink Productions, Canada. Now let me locate some photos!
June has always been a crazy month for me. This year, it was particularly busy. In addition to welcoming great-nephew Liam, celebrating my daughter's birthday, attending my granddaughter's dance recital (photo: tall girl in the middle), and marking 29 years of widowhood (I can't believe it!), my theater world expanded ... in sound. Three audio plays were released in Maine and Nevada ... and I'm pleased with the results. Tomorrow, a developmental reading of WASTED will be presented at the ATHE conference in Atlanta, Georgia. I have a terrific director, dramaturg and cast. Last week, I returned from California (yes, I got on a plane with my sister!) after visiting my nephew and attending the first public reading of IF YOU SEE A HYENA, presented in The Road Theatre Company's SPF Festival. (Twenty-one plays were selected from 900 submissions!) And, oh, I had a great time. Other news: A reading of my play, OVERCOME, was selected for a site-specific challenge for the Anaconda Ensemble Theatre Reading Series in Montana; my monologue, DEAR MELINKA, was selected for the Original Monologue Contest at Talking Horse Productions in Missouri (a fundraiser on video); another short piece, NATIONAL VANILLA CUPCAKE DAY, was selected for a production with Cone Man Running's Five Minute Mile Festival (Holiday Edition), and another monologue, IN CONTRAST, was chosen for a site-specific production in Asphalt Jungle Shorts XXI, produced by Flush Ink Productions, Canada. Now let me locate some photos!
Looking forward to some photos of recent readings and productions. Meanwhile, below are some pix from Eden Prairie Players' production of FOLDED. And ... please enjoy this podcast (audio) of ONE WORD, produced by Open-Door Playhouse. Whoops! Just paste into your browser. https://www.opendoorplayhouse.org/opendoortheaterplays/oneword
Looking forward to some photos of recent readings and productions. Meanwhile, below are some pix from Eden Prairie Players' production of FOLDED. And ... please enjoy this podcast (audio) of ONE WORD, produced by Open-Door Playhouse. Whoops! Just paste into your browser. https://www.opendoorplayhouse.org/opendoortheaterplays/oneword
ONE WORD, featuring Carol Kaufman and Dominque Turner, performs May 11 & 12 at The Victory Theatre, Burbank, CA. HOWARD'S REAR END and TURN! TURN! TURN! is featured in American Renaissance Theater's "Love and Loss: A Salon, from May 9-19, 2024 at the ATW Theatre, NYC. Benson Theatre's "Theatre For All: The Disability Plays," will be presenting a reading of WASTED in Nebraska. I will be reading my essay, IN CONTRAST, at City Winery, NYC at 2pm on May 19. (Other upcoming events include a production of MAGICAL THINKING, Corks Arts Theatre, Ireland and an audio play with Broken Arts Entertainment in Maine; a podcast of THE QUEEN OF CARBON in CA, and a developmental reading of WASTED in the New Play Development Workshop, ATHE Conference, GA.
ONE WORD, featuring Carol Kaufman and Dominque Turner, performs May 11 & 12 at The Victory Theatre, Burbank, CA. HOWARD'S REAR END and TURN! TURN! TURN! is featured in American Renaissance Theater's "Love and Loss: A Salon, from May 9-19, 2024 at the ATW Theatre, NYC. Benson Theatre's "Theatre For All: The Disability Plays," will be presenting a reading of WASTED in Nebraska. I will be reading my essay, IN CONTRAST, at City Winery, NYC at 2pm on May 19. (Other upcoming events include a production of MAGICAL THINKING, Corks Arts Theatre, Ireland and an audio play with Broken Arts Entertainment in Maine; a podcast of THE QUEEN OF CARBON in CA, and a developmental reading of WASTED in the New Play Development Workshop, ATHE Conference, GA.
APRIL / MAY UPDATE - 4.19.24
Thrilled that MAGICAL THINKING was also selected for production in Cork Arts Theatre's series, "Views from a Lampost" in Ireland, May 28-June 1. My play, WASTED, advanced to the final round of 12 plays for ATHE Conference's New Play Development Workshop 2024. The reading of the play in Omaha is coming up soon, too! My audio play, DAZZLING, recorded by Bart Meehan (ArtSound FM, Canberra, AU), performed by Amy Crawford and Lynn Petersen, can be listened to at https://somethingquirkier.wildapricot.org/resources/Documents/DAZZLING.mp3 On Sunday, May 19 @ 2pm, I will be readnig my essay, IN CONTRAST, for Writers Read live show at the City Winery, 25 11th Avenue. This spoken word event is part of Carnegie Hall's spring festival, "Dancing on the Precipice." HOWARD's REAR END will be presented in Queens Theatre's New American Voices/Theatre For All Short Play Readings on May 11 (https://queenstheatre.org). Oh, and I had a reading in American Renaissance Theater's "Team Plays." The first draft of this new two-hander is called IT ISN'T BLOOD. So much fun! Next up is INCORRIGIBLE in "Healing Voices" at Premiere Stages. Looking forward to getting out of town. Yes, New Jersey is out-of-town!
Thrilled that MAGICAL THINKING was also selected for production in Cork Arts Theatre's series, "Views from a Lampost" in Ireland, May 28-June 1. My play, WASTED, advanced to the final round of 12 plays for ATHE Conference's New Play Development Workshop 2024. The reading of the play in Omaha is coming up soon, too! My audio play, DAZZLING, recorded by Bart Meehan (ArtSound FM, Canberra, AU), performed by Amy Crawford and Lynn Petersen, can be listened to at https://somethingquirkier.wildapricot.org/resources/Documents/DAZZLING.mp3 On Sunday, May 19 @ 2pm, I will be readnig my essay, IN CONTRAST, for Writers Read live show at the City Winery, 25 11th Avenue. This spoken word event is part of Carnegie Hall's spring festival, "Dancing on the Precipice." HOWARD's REAR END will be presented in Queens Theatre's New American Voices/Theatre For All Short Play Readings on May 11 (https://queenstheatre.org). Oh, and I had a reading in American Renaissance Theater's "Team Plays." The first draft of this new two-hander is called IT ISN'T BLOOD. So much fun! Next up is INCORRIGIBLE in "Healing Voices" at Premiere Stages. Looking forward to getting out of town. Yes, New Jersey is out-of-town!
MARCH UPDATE - 3.22.24
ONE WORD was reprinted in Best Ten Minute Plays 2024 (Smith & Kraus). Thank you, editor extraordinaire Debbie Lamedman, and congrats to many colleagues whose work will be shared in print! Top news: Looking forward to becoming a great-aunt x2 in the next few months. Other news: MAGICAL THINKING was named a winner of the Good Vibes Summer Audio Fiction Podcast competition in Maine. (I received my second laurel!) Another podcast is in the works for my play, THE QUEEN OF CARBON, produced by Open-Door Playhouse. THE WONDER OF YOU was semi-produced in the MACT's 7th Biennial Short Play Festival Fast Fest several weeks ago in Minnesota. I hope it's chosen for a full production! Let's wait and see. ONE WORD will be featured in the Short+Sweet Hollywood festival.
ONE WORD was reprinted in Best Ten Minute Plays 2024 (Smith & Kraus). Thank you, editor extraordinaire Debbie Lamedman, and congrats to many colleagues whose work will be shared in print! Top news: Looking forward to becoming a great-aunt x2 in the next few months. Other news: MAGICAL THINKING was named a winner of the Good Vibes Summer Audio Fiction Podcast competition in Maine. (I received my second laurel!) Another podcast is in the works for my play, THE QUEEN OF CARBON, produced by Open-Door Playhouse. THE WONDER OF YOU was semi-produced in the MACT's 7th Biennial Short Play Festival Fast Fest several weeks ago in Minnesota. I hope it's chosen for a full production! Let's wait and see. ONE WORD will be featured in the Short+Sweet Hollywood festival.
Oh, it's a long catch-up! Let's see. ONE WORD is now published in the Stage It 10-Minute Plays Anthology. I also have upcoming publications with Smith & Kraus (UNFATHOMABLE in 30 Scenes for Young Women Ages 15-30, ed. Irene Zeigler) and a 10-minute monologue, REGRETTABLE, in Frozen Women/Flowing Voices anthology, Venus Theatre, MD (Palmetto Press, ed. Deborah Kendall). My one-act play, YEAR OF THE TIGER, was performed in Florida with The Naple Players, and a short film (7-1/2 minutes) entitled NO BIGGY was produced at the ProEnglish Theater and Drama School, Ukraine. Here's a link to the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqPoOiPYx58
While I navigate my friend's unexpected illness, I continue to stay busy. Concentrating on the "good" today -- my friend's slow recovery and my life on the stage. Tonight, ONE WORD will be presented at the Chatham Players, NJ. (I love sharing my voice in my home state.) Yesterday, we had a workshop for Premiere Stages' "Healing Voices." My contribution is INCORRIGIBLE, which will also be presented at the Crafton Hills New Works Festival, CA. Play With Your Food presented a reading of mine in their lunchtime series and I have upcoming pieces in Minnesota (FOLDED, Eden Prairie Players 2024 Women's One Acts +), an audio play of DAZZLING in Australia, and WASTED, in the Benson Theater/Queens Theatre Disability Plays (Nebraska and NY, respectively). More to come. Now let me find some photos! ... and my mind, LOL. Note: The middle photo is the title of the Kyiv series, "Do I Really Know You?" And in the second row is a photo of a play, LABOUR OF LOVE, that I performed in at Ceres Gallery -- a pregnant woman who gives birth to a framed photo. Yep! (That's friend/colleague Jessica Vera at my side!)
While I navigate my friend's unexpected illness, I continue to stay busy. Concentrating on the "good" today -- my friend's slow recovery and my life on the stage. Tonight, ONE WORD will be presented at the Chatham Players, NJ. (I love sharing my voice in my home state.) Yesterday, we had a workshop for Premiere Stages' "Healing Voices." My contribution is INCORRIGIBLE, which will also be presented at the Crafton Hills New Works Festival, CA. Play With Your Food presented a reading of mine in their lunchtime series and I have upcoming pieces in Minnesota (FOLDED, Eden Prairie Players 2024 Women's One Acts +), an audio play of DAZZLING in Australia, and WASTED, in the Benson Theater/Queens Theatre Disability Plays (Nebraska and NY, respectively). More to come. Now let me find some photos! ... and my mind, LOL. Note: The middle photo is the title of the Kyiv series, "Do I Really Know You?" And in the second row is a photo of a play, LABOUR OF LOVE, that I performed in at Ceres Gallery -- a pregnant woman who gives birth to a framed photo. Yep! (That's friend/colleague Jessica Vera at my side!)
OCTOBER 2023 - 10.28.23
My monologue from BREATHTAKING, published in The Best Women’s Stage Monologues anthology, is released and available for purchase! Three more monologues will be presented in Australia’s “Last Man Standing, World Monologue Games.” Titles, dates and links to the YouTube performances will be announced. An audio of my piece, DAZZLING, is part of Something Quirky’s “Small Blessings,” a collaborative community art project, Tuggeranong Arts Center, Greenway Australia. A recent production of my play, GIVE AND TAKE, was nominated for a merit award in the TANYS Theatre Festival, Watertown, NY. I'm also posting my 2023 NJACT Perry Award certificate for ONE WORD, presented this summer in “The Marshall Playwrights Showcase” at the Players Guild of Leonia (NJ), as a nominee for “Outstanding Production of an Original Play.” My monologue, MESHUGANAH, was published in the Mini Plays Review inaugural love-themed June issue and IMPULSES, a flash non-fiction story, was published in Literature Today’s July issue. Whoops. Overlooked old news.
My monologue from BREATHTAKING, published in The Best Women’s Stage Monologues anthology, is released and available for purchase! Three more monologues will be presented in Australia’s “Last Man Standing, World Monologue Games.” Titles, dates and links to the YouTube performances will be announced. An audio of my piece, DAZZLING, is part of Something Quirky’s “Small Blessings,” a collaborative community art project, Tuggeranong Arts Center, Greenway Australia. A recent production of my play, GIVE AND TAKE, was nominated for a merit award in the TANYS Theatre Festival, Watertown, NY. I'm also posting my 2023 NJACT Perry Award certificate for ONE WORD, presented this summer in “The Marshall Playwrights Showcase” at the Players Guild of Leonia (NJ), as a nominee for “Outstanding Production of an Original Play.” My monologue, MESHUGANAH, was published in the Mini Plays Review inaugural love-themed June issue and IMPULSES, a flash non-fiction story, was published in Literature Today’s July issue. Whoops. Overlooked old news.
SEPTEMBER 2023 - 9.24.23
Oh, I have been slacking off! Spring was busy and the summer went by so quickly! On the writing front, I've had some fun projects ... on stage, virtually, and some magazine & blog publications. So much fun with a zoom presentation (the Action Theatre Conservatory, NJ) A TRIO OF WONDER: Three short plays by Bara Swain. Also several productions of ONE WORD ("The Marshall Playwrights Showcase" at the Players Guild of Leonia in NJ; the festival is nominated for the 2023 NJACT Perry Award), 2023 Stage It! Play Festival (FL), and Hand to Mouth Players festival. Coming up next: INCORRIGIBLE (Crafton Hills 2023 New Works Festival); GIVE AND TAKE (Harlequin Productions, Cayuga Gollege), and THE PLAN, at one of my favorite venues, Warner Theater International Playwrights Festival in CT. Oh, and the same one-act won the Silver Stage Award at a recent spring production in the 2023 New Voice Play Festival (Old Opera House, WV). Such good folk there ... and so talented! I also was awarded Quarter-Finalist at Scriptwriters & Co International Festival for a monologue from BREATHTAKING ... and I received my first laurel in years! Hmm. Let me repeat that. Hmm. I wrote and performed REGRETTABLE, a 10-minute monologue, for the "Hear Me out Monologues" programming, and it was just uploaded and listed on their YouTube Channel. I believe this is the link ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcIT3CvgeOI
Oh, I have been slacking off! Spring was busy and the summer went by so quickly! On the writing front, I've had some fun projects ... on stage, virtually, and some magazine & blog publications. So much fun with a zoom presentation (the Action Theatre Conservatory, NJ) A TRIO OF WONDER: Three short plays by Bara Swain. Also several productions of ONE WORD ("The Marshall Playwrights Showcase" at the Players Guild of Leonia in NJ; the festival is nominated for the 2023 NJACT Perry Award), 2023 Stage It! Play Festival (FL), and Hand to Mouth Players festival. Coming up next: INCORRIGIBLE (Crafton Hills 2023 New Works Festival); GIVE AND TAKE (Harlequin Productions, Cayuga Gollege), and THE PLAN, at one of my favorite venues, Warner Theater International Playwrights Festival in CT. Oh, and the same one-act won the Silver Stage Award at a recent spring production in the 2023 New Voice Play Festival (Old Opera House, WV). Such good folk there ... and so talented! I also was awarded Quarter-Finalist at Scriptwriters & Co International Festival for a monologue from BREATHTAKING ... and I received my first laurel in years! Hmm. Let me repeat that. Hmm. I wrote and performed REGRETTABLE, a 10-minute monologue, for the "Hear Me out Monologues" programming, and it was just uploaded and listed on their YouTube Channel. I believe this is the link ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dcIT3CvgeOI
APRIL 2023 - 4.06.23
It's been a long three months! Time goes slowly when your new best friend is ... a cane. I injured my foot again and, oh, I can't wait to return to my usual stride! Meanwhile, I was unable to attend a production of INCORRIGIBLE at Ridgefield Theater Barn's Festival of One Acts 2023 (photo center). Some nice reviews, though ("...swift and sassy..." and "...handled with grace and humor...") I was able to travel to SCHOHARIE CREEK, performed at Hudson Valley MOCA/Studio Theater in Exile, performed by Leslie Fields-Cruz/Maya Cruz, inspired by the artwork "Sand, Sea, Sky" by Jill Kerttula (photo left & right). I celebrated afterwards with artist/friend Lisa Feldman ... with spring rolls and beef chow fun. I also had publications in several lit mags: TERMINAL (short story, Fresh Words, Feb. 2023 Issue) and STATISTICS (monologue, Literature Today, April 2023 issue). Several honors: THE LAST RESORT (honorable mention, Scriptwriters & Co. Scratch Night, Bath, England) and TURN! TURN! TURN! (Jakespeare Company, MA). And, finally, IF YOUR MOTHER CALLS was selected in the Plethora of Plays livestream from London, featuring scripts from 28 Plays Later 2023.
It's been a long three months! Time goes slowly when your new best friend is ... a cane. I injured my foot again and, oh, I can't wait to return to my usual stride! Meanwhile, I was unable to attend a production of INCORRIGIBLE at Ridgefield Theater Barn's Festival of One Acts 2023 (photo center). Some nice reviews, though ("...swift and sassy..." and "...handled with grace and humor...") I was able to travel to SCHOHARIE CREEK, performed at Hudson Valley MOCA/Studio Theater in Exile, performed by Leslie Fields-Cruz/Maya Cruz, inspired by the artwork "Sand, Sea, Sky" by Jill Kerttula (photo left & right). I celebrated afterwards with artist/friend Lisa Feldman ... with spring rolls and beef chow fun. I also had publications in several lit mags: TERMINAL (short story, Fresh Words, Feb. 2023 Issue) and STATISTICS (monologue, Literature Today, April 2023 issue). Several honors: THE LAST RESORT (honorable mention, Scriptwriters & Co. Scratch Night, Bath, England) and TURN! TURN! TURN! (Jakespeare Company, MA). And, finally, IF YOUR MOTHER CALLS was selected in the Plethora of Plays livestream from London, featuring scripts from 28 Plays Later 2023.
JANUARY 2023 - 1.24.23
Happy New Year ... 24 days late! January is starting off with a bang. Tonight, I'm reading a spanking new monologue, STILL LIFE, for a themed-evening, "Seeing Red," with American Renaissance Theatre Company. My short play, TURN! TURN! TURN!, is also on the evenings roster of presentations. A live developmental reading of my new 10-minute play, HOWARDS REAR END, will be presented on Saturday, February 4th @ 6pm with FAB @ The Barrow Group. On Monday, 2/6 @ 6pm, I am performing my own ten-minute monologue, REGRETTABLE, in Some1Speaking, a zoom program produced and moderated by Roland Tec Tickets are $5.00. Visit https://www.hearmeoutmonologues.com/some1speaking. Four other playwrights will also be presenting. (WHOA! That's a large image! I simply don't have the graphic skills to make it smaller.) Hope some of you will join us!!!!
Happy New Year ... 24 days late! January is starting off with a bang. Tonight, I'm reading a spanking new monologue, STILL LIFE, for a themed-evening, "Seeing Red," with American Renaissance Theatre Company. My short play, TURN! TURN! TURN!, is also on the evenings roster of presentations. A live developmental reading of my new 10-minute play, HOWARDS REAR END, will be presented on Saturday, February 4th @ 6pm with FAB @ The Barrow Group. On Monday, 2/6 @ 6pm, I am performing my own ten-minute monologue, REGRETTABLE, in Some1Speaking, a zoom program produced and moderated by Roland Tec Tickets are $5.00. Visit https://www.hearmeoutmonologues.com/some1speaking. Four other playwrights will also be presenting. (WHOA! That's a large image! I simply don't have the graphic skills to make it smaller.) Hope some of you will join us!!!!
NOVEMBER update - 11.26.22
My play, INCORRIGIBLE, was selected for the Ridgefield Theater Barn's 2023 Evening of One Acts. My two-hander, YEAR OF THE TIGER, was presented at the FAB Emergings readings on November 18. The following day, I attended the Phillips’ Mill Community Association Emerging Playwright Competition in New Hope, PA as a recipient for my play, ONE WORD. (My artist/friend Lisa Feldman and I spent the evening at a Bed & Breakfast ... on a sheep farm! I'm not sure if the chickens woke me up the next morning or the smell of frying bacon.) In the photo, below, note that my hair is featured in the talkback, LOL! The same play was also shortlisted for Short+Sweet Dubai 2023.
My work is currently represented in the World Monologue Games, an Australian competition called "Last Man Standing." My monologue, THE LAST STRAW, was filmed and presented on November 2, and performed by 60 – yes, 60! – actors and actresses from around the world. (For viewing this non-gender, 1-1/2 minute monologue, google: The Last Straw by Bara Swain) My monologue, REGRETTABLE, will be featured in Roland Tec’s “Some1Speaking” program (date TBD).
My play, INCORRIGIBLE, was selected for the Ridgefield Theater Barn's 2023 Evening of One Acts. My two-hander, YEAR OF THE TIGER, was presented at the FAB Emergings readings on November 18. The following day, I attended the Phillips’ Mill Community Association Emerging Playwright Competition in New Hope, PA as a recipient for my play, ONE WORD. (My artist/friend Lisa Feldman and I spent the evening at a Bed & Breakfast ... on a sheep farm! I'm not sure if the chickens woke me up the next morning or the smell of frying bacon.) In the photo, below, note that my hair is featured in the talkback, LOL! The same play was also shortlisted for Short+Sweet Dubai 2023.
My work is currently represented in the World Monologue Games, an Australian competition called "Last Man Standing." My monologue, THE LAST STRAW, was filmed and presented on November 2, and performed by 60 – yes, 60! – actors and actresses from around the world. (For viewing this non-gender, 1-1/2 minute monologue, google: The Last Straw by Bara Swain) My monologue, REGRETTABLE, will be featured in Roland Tec’s “Some1Speaking” program (date TBD).
ONE WORD - Opens on Friday, October 28, 2022
Here's a teaser for the world premiere of my short play, ONE WORD, featuring Susan Jane McDonald (r) and Tara Haight (l), under the direction of one of my favorite and talented colleagues, Kim T. Sharp. This new play was also shortlisted for Short+Sweet Dubai and Sydney. Oh! And I'll be traveling to New Hope, PA in mid-November for a reading and reception as a winning play in the Phillips Mill Emerging Playwright Competition. Looking forward!
Here's a teaser for the world premiere of my short play, ONE WORD, featuring Susan Jane McDonald (r) and Tara Haight (l), under the direction of one of my favorite and talented colleagues, Kim T. Sharp. This new play was also shortlisted for Short+Sweet Dubai and Sydney. Oh! And I'll be traveling to New Hope, PA in mid-November for a reading and reception as a winning play in the Phillips Mill Emerging Playwright Competition. Looking forward!
CHOOSE! at Warner Theatre's International Playwrights Festival - 10.17.22
I just returned to NY after attending a production of my one-act play, CHOOSE!, at Warner Theatre's 11th International Playwrights Festival. The whole evening was ... wonderful! Thanks to my amazing cast, Susan Kulp and Marilyn Olsen, and a shout out to my director extraordinaire Sharon Houk (producing Artistic Director), and the amazing Charlene Donaghy (Festival Director). Wait! And special thanks to my friend, artist Lisa Feldman, who traveled with me to celebrate my fifth show in Torrington!
Photo credit: Luke Haughwøut
I just returned to NY after attending a production of my one-act play, CHOOSE!, at Warner Theatre's 11th International Playwrights Festival. The whole evening was ... wonderful! Thanks to my amazing cast, Susan Kulp and Marilyn Olsen, and a shout out to my director extraordinaire Sharon Houk (producing Artistic Director), and the amazing Charlene Donaghy (Festival Director). Wait! And special thanks to my friend, artist Lisa Feldman, who traveled with me to celebrate my fifth show in Torrington!
Photo credit: Luke Haughwøut
October Update - 10.06.22
GIVE AND TAKE had a zoom reading with "States of Play" on 10.5.22 ( coordinated by the extraordinary theatre artist, Rachel Ladutke), a live production of my new play, ONE WORD, will be featured in "Briefs" with Artistic New Directions (ANDTheatre) under the direction of Kim T. Sharp, and The Best Women's Stage Monologues (Debbie Lamedman, editor, Smith and Kraus) includes a monologue of mine from THE COLOR ENTHUSIAST. Oh! And I had the privilege to attend a rehearsal of CHOOSE! via zoom last week. Looking forward to my trip to Warner Theatre on 10.15.22 to see it in person!
GIVE AND TAKE had a zoom reading with "States of Play" on 10.5.22 ( coordinated by the extraordinary theatre artist, Rachel Ladutke), a live production of my new play, ONE WORD, will be featured in "Briefs" with Artistic New Directions (ANDTheatre) under the direction of Kim T. Sharp, and The Best Women's Stage Monologues (Debbie Lamedman, editor, Smith and Kraus) includes a monologue of mine from THE COLOR ENTHUSIAST. Oh! And I had the privilege to attend a rehearsal of CHOOSE! via zoom last week. Looking forward to my trip to Warner Theatre on 10.15.22 to see it in person!

September/October Update - 9.18.22
My first September live FREE reading is on Friday, September 30th @ 7pm, thanks to Genoveva Productions. My play, INCORRIGIBLE, features Misti Tindiglia and Julia Genoveva. Also in the line-up is friend/colleague Ruth Apolonia Zamoyta's "The Mitochondria," and four other shorts. Come join us at 353 Studios, 353 W. 48 St, NYC. RSVP [email protected] for reservations.
Thrilled that my one-act play, CHOOSE!, will be presented live in Connecticut with Warner Stages on October 16, helmed by director extraordinaire Sharon Hauk. This is our third collaboration!
On the publication front, a monologue from THE COLOR ENTHUSIAST appears in Best Women's Stage Monologues 2022 (Smith & Kraus), UNCONDITIONALLY was recently released in "Scenes From a Diverse World Volume 5, Comedy (ICWP), available on Amazon. Exposition Review selected my non-fiction flash piece, A RIVER IN EGYPT, as 2nd Place winner in the June 2022 issue (http://expositionreview.com/flash-405/a-river-in-egypt) and my short play, HOW TWO PASSENGERS ABOARD THE GUY V. MOLINARI FELL IN LOVE was published in the September isssue of the Masque & Spectacle Journal. (VIsit https://masqueandspectaclejournal.wordpress.com).
My first September live FREE reading is on Friday, September 30th @ 7pm, thanks to Genoveva Productions. My play, INCORRIGIBLE, features Misti Tindiglia and Julia Genoveva. Also in the line-up is friend/colleague Ruth Apolonia Zamoyta's "The Mitochondria," and four other shorts. Come join us at 353 Studios, 353 W. 48 St, NYC. RSVP [email protected] for reservations.
Thrilled that my one-act play, CHOOSE!, will be presented live in Connecticut with Warner Stages on October 16, helmed by director extraordinaire Sharon Hauk. This is our third collaboration!
On the publication front, a monologue from THE COLOR ENTHUSIAST appears in Best Women's Stage Monologues 2022 (Smith & Kraus), UNCONDITIONALLY was recently released in "Scenes From a Diverse World Volume 5, Comedy (ICWP), available on Amazon. Exposition Review selected my non-fiction flash piece, A RIVER IN EGYPT, as 2nd Place winner in the June 2022 issue (http://expositionreview.com/flash-405/a-river-in-egypt) and my short play, HOW TWO PASSENGERS ABOARD THE GUY V. MOLINARI FELL IN LOVE was published in the September isssue of the Masque & Spectacle Journal. (VIsit https://masqueandspectaclejournal.wordpress.com).
Spring update - 6.20.21
Oh, it's been a busy Spring. Two falls and multiple fractures didn't keep me down for long. I had the privilege of attending half the LIVE performances of Metropolitan Playhouse's "East Side Stories, Actually," including my one-act play, THE PLAN. It was a satisfying and fun project!! I participated via Zoom in several Barrow Group programs: A reading of my new piece, MISSING SOMETHING (FAB @ Barrow Group), a collection of four short plays, penned by moi (Ladies Night at TBG: Love, Loss and Laughter), and the First Fridays program presented a reading of OVERCOME in response to the theme, "Chosen Family." (Thank you, Zoom!)
I also participated in the Team Plays at ARTC, penning a new play for two extraordinary actors. Looking forward to new adventures in Ohio, California and Connecticut!
Photo credit for pix of THE PLAN: First row, Vadim Goldenberg; second row, Tanya Parks
Oh, it's been a busy Spring. Two falls and multiple fractures didn't keep me down for long. I had the privilege of attending half the LIVE performances of Metropolitan Playhouse's "East Side Stories, Actually," including my one-act play, THE PLAN. It was a satisfying and fun project!! I participated via Zoom in several Barrow Group programs: A reading of my new piece, MISSING SOMETHING (FAB @ Barrow Group), a collection of four short plays, penned by moi (Ladies Night at TBG: Love, Loss and Laughter), and the First Fridays program presented a reading of OVERCOME in response to the theme, "Chosen Family." (Thank you, Zoom!)
I also participated in the Team Plays at ARTC, penning a new play for two extraordinary actors. Looking forward to new adventures in Ohio, California and Connecticut!
Photo credit for pix of THE PLAN: First row, Vadim Goldenberg; second row, Tanya Parks
Another catch-up! LITTLE BLACK DRESS at Ghostlight Theatre Ensemble, CA (March 2022)
March Catch-Up - 3.22.22
Oh, a lot is happening this month. INCORRIGIBLE will premier in the Incubator Series, Empire Arts Center, ND at the end of the month (March 31-April 3). The Ghostlight Theatre Ensemble in Brentwood, CA, is producing LITTLE BLACK DRESS -- live (March 25-26). My upcoming productions include THE PLAN, another premier at Metropolitan Playhouse in their "East Side Stories, Actually" program (May 19-29) -- and I am thrilled! ... and several other projects with American Renaissance Theatre and the Barrow Group. More info forthcoming! (And better images, too, LOL!)
Oh, a lot is happening this month. INCORRIGIBLE will premier in the Incubator Series, Empire Arts Center, ND at the end of the month (March 31-April 3). The Ghostlight Theatre Ensemble in Brentwood, CA, is producing LITTLE BLACK DRESS -- live (March 25-26). My upcoming productions include THE PLAN, another premier at Metropolitan Playhouse in their "East Side Stories, Actually" program (May 19-29) -- and I am thrilled! ... and several other projects with American Renaissance Theatre and the Barrow Group. More info forthcoming! (And better images, too, LOL!)
My Producer's Hat - 3.8.22
I produced an energetic series, THE ACRONYM PLAYS, at Urban Stages this past weekend. I have to say that it was ... terrific! Attentive full houses and six talented creative teams of Playwright/Director/Actors. We had FUN!!!! My biggest shout out to director/friend/ production stage manager Kim T. Sharp. Scroll down for performance pix!
I produced an energetic series, THE ACRONYM PLAYS, at Urban Stages this past weekend. I have to say that it was ... terrific! Attentive full houses and six talented creative teams of Playwright/Director/Actors. We had FUN!!!! My biggest shout out to director/friend/ production stage manager Kim T. Sharp. Scroll down for performance pix!
Winter Update - 01.10.22
Oh, I've lost track of the time! This is a disordered post (like my eating habits, LOL!), but here goes. My publication releases are UNFATHOMABLE, Best Ten-Minute Plays 2021 and a monologue from THE COLOR ENTHUSIAST, The Best Women's Stage Monologues 2022 (Smith & Kraus). THE WONDER OF YOU was shortlisted in Short+Sweet Dubai and the Bechdel Group presented a selection from my one-act play version of THE GREAT EASTERN BROOD for "Shortlist Sunday." The original version had a live virtual production with American Rennaissance Theater's virtual festival, "Family & Its Discontents." A podcast of my short play, LITTLE BLACK DRESS, premiered with Theatre 48 (Open Door Playhouse, CA). FOLDED had a live reading in Nantucket Theatre's "Best of the Twenty Ninth Season, and THE WONDER OF YOU had a live production run in Australia at the Tom Mann Theatre in the Short+Sweet Sydney festival. I've had the pleasure of participating in several readings with FIRST FRIDAYS and FAB Women (Barrow Group, NY) as well as ARTC. Upcoming: The world premiere of my short play, PERSPECTIVE, will be presented in the 2022 Gallery Players black Box Festival. GIVE AND TAKE was selected for the "States of Play" online play-reading initiative by female playwrights. On a personal note, I celebrated the arrival of great niece Madison and grand nephew Willem in October and, of course, I continue to dote on granddaughters Tallulah and Ellery.
Oh, I've lost track of the time! This is a disordered post (like my eating habits, LOL!), but here goes. My publication releases are UNFATHOMABLE, Best Ten-Minute Plays 2021 and a monologue from THE COLOR ENTHUSIAST, The Best Women's Stage Monologues 2022 (Smith & Kraus). THE WONDER OF YOU was shortlisted in Short+Sweet Dubai and the Bechdel Group presented a selection from my one-act play version of THE GREAT EASTERN BROOD for "Shortlist Sunday." The original version had a live virtual production with American Rennaissance Theater's virtual festival, "Family & Its Discontents." A podcast of my short play, LITTLE BLACK DRESS, premiered with Theatre 48 (Open Door Playhouse, CA). FOLDED had a live reading in Nantucket Theatre's "Best of the Twenty Ninth Season, and THE WONDER OF YOU had a live production run in Australia at the Tom Mann Theatre in the Short+Sweet Sydney festival. I've had the pleasure of participating in several readings with FIRST FRIDAYS and FAB Women (Barrow Group, NY) as well as ARTC. Upcoming: The world premiere of my short play, PERSPECTIVE, will be presented in the 2022 Gallery Players black Box Festival. GIVE AND TAKE was selected for the "States of Play" online play-reading initiative by female playwrights. On a personal note, I celebrated the arrival of great niece Madison and grand nephew Willem in October and, of course, I continue to dote on granddaughters Tallulah and Ellery.
October Update - 10.24.21
My 10-minute play, THE GREAT EASTERN BROOD, will have a virtual production with the American Renaissance Theatre Company (NYC) on Nov. 13 as part of their annual fundraiser. (Visit http://www.americanrenaissancetheater.com/ for more info). My one-act play, FOLDED, was awarded Honorable Mention in the William Faulkner Literary Competition. An award luncheon was held at the Union County Heritage Museum in Mississippi to honor the winners. LITTLE BLACK DRESS has been selected for an audio performance at the Open-Door Playhouse (CA) in November. Three mini films will be featured online in “Something Quirky…Again,” a Canberra Region Feltmakers production in association with iMOVIE, a CRF film. The films are entitled BREATHTAKING, ZIG-ZAGGING, and SCARLET. Visit https://canfelt.org to view this free event! Also in Australia, a live performance of THE WONDER OF YOU is slated for November 25-27 in the Short + Sweet Sydney festival. And, finally, my third monologue, NO REPRIEVE, was published on Facebook and Instagram with Loud Voices, Silent Streets (UK). Oh! I had a wonderful visit to Warner Theater in Torrington to attend a live production of THE WONDER OF YOU in Warner Theater's International Playwright Festival's 10 year retrospective of some of their most memorable plays and playwrights. The play was helmed by director extraordinaire Sharon Hauk, and performed by the original cast. Wonderful! Playwright/buddy Lily Rusek was also selected for this honor. Lily and artist/friend/audience critic Lisa Feldman joined me for the celebration, hauling cleaning supplies for our hotel rooms. Lisa and I have collaborated on many projects together at the American Museum of Natural History, Rising Sun Theatre Company, and Urban Stages.
On the home front, we welcomed Willem Lewis Coote on October 17. Great nephew Willem weighed in at 8 lbs. 6 oz. Five days later, we celebrated granddaughter Ellery Laird's third birthday. Happy birthday, Willem and Ellery! Life is good!!!!
My 10-minute play, THE GREAT EASTERN BROOD, will have a virtual production with the American Renaissance Theatre Company (NYC) on Nov. 13 as part of their annual fundraiser. (Visit http://www.americanrenaissancetheater.com/ for more info). My one-act play, FOLDED, was awarded Honorable Mention in the William Faulkner Literary Competition. An award luncheon was held at the Union County Heritage Museum in Mississippi to honor the winners. LITTLE BLACK DRESS has been selected for an audio performance at the Open-Door Playhouse (CA) in November. Three mini films will be featured online in “Something Quirky…Again,” a Canberra Region Feltmakers production in association with iMOVIE, a CRF film. The films are entitled BREATHTAKING, ZIG-ZAGGING, and SCARLET. Visit https://canfelt.org to view this free event! Also in Australia, a live performance of THE WONDER OF YOU is slated for November 25-27 in the Short + Sweet Sydney festival. And, finally, my third monologue, NO REPRIEVE, was published on Facebook and Instagram with Loud Voices, Silent Streets (UK). Oh! I had a wonderful visit to Warner Theater in Torrington to attend a live production of THE WONDER OF YOU in Warner Theater's International Playwright Festival's 10 year retrospective of some of their most memorable plays and playwrights. The play was helmed by director extraordinaire Sharon Hauk, and performed by the original cast. Wonderful! Playwright/buddy Lily Rusek was also selected for this honor. Lily and artist/friend/audience critic Lisa Feldman joined me for the celebration, hauling cleaning supplies for our hotel rooms. Lisa and I have collaborated on many projects together at the American Museum of Natural History, Rising Sun Theatre Company, and Urban Stages.
On the home front, we welcomed Willem Lewis Coote on October 17. Great nephew Willem weighed in at 8 lbs. 6 oz. Five days later, we celebrated granddaughter Ellery Laird's third birthday. Happy birthday, Willem and Ellery! Life is good!!!!
Spring and Summer Update - 8.28.21
I'm remiss! ... and distracted. It's been a crazy six months. SAVING GRACE was released in Best American Short Plays, Applause Books (editor & playwright extraordinaire John Patrick Bray) and UNFATHOMABLE was selected for the Smith & Kraus anthology, Best Ten-Minute Plays 2021 (Editor & prolific playwright, Debbie Lamedsman). Other news: Warner Theatre's production of FOLDED received wonderful reviews. The play also placed second in the 27th Annual Nantucket Short Play Festival. THE WONDER OF YOU won first prize at Shawnee Theatre's 2020/2021 Festival (PA) and had a live performance at their beautiful theatre at Shawnee on the Delaware, CAROLINA IN THE MORNING was included in the Bismarck International Short Play Festival in North Dakota, MAGICAL THINKING was selected for the Crafton Hills College New Works Festival 2021, and LITTLE BLACK DRESS was workshopped in a caregivers-themed program at McCarter Theatre (NJ). Performed monologues included SEVENTY-SEVEN (Quake Theatre, Bath, UK); PLAIN WHITE TEES (Loud Voices Silent Streets, London, England), YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH FACT (Outcast Productions, WA), and a 50-word play, GREEN -- yes, 50 words! -- will be released in September with Molecule Magazine. Several performances/productions have been postponed or canceled, but ... c'est la vie! Currently working on three new projects in Ukraine, Australia and the U.S.A. ... and having fun! And now -- some photos!
I'm remiss! ... and distracted. It's been a crazy six months. SAVING GRACE was released in Best American Short Plays, Applause Books (editor & playwright extraordinaire John Patrick Bray) and UNFATHOMABLE was selected for the Smith & Kraus anthology, Best Ten-Minute Plays 2021 (Editor & prolific playwright, Debbie Lamedsman). Other news: Warner Theatre's production of FOLDED received wonderful reviews. The play also placed second in the 27th Annual Nantucket Short Play Festival. THE WONDER OF YOU won first prize at Shawnee Theatre's 2020/2021 Festival (PA) and had a live performance at their beautiful theatre at Shawnee on the Delaware, CAROLINA IN THE MORNING was included in the Bismarck International Short Play Festival in North Dakota, MAGICAL THINKING was selected for the Crafton Hills College New Works Festival 2021, and LITTLE BLACK DRESS was workshopped in a caregivers-themed program at McCarter Theatre (NJ). Performed monologues included SEVENTY-SEVEN (Quake Theatre, Bath, UK); PLAIN WHITE TEES (Loud Voices Silent Streets, London, England), YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH FACT (Outcast Productions, WA), and a 50-word play, GREEN -- yes, 50 words! -- will be released in September with Molecule Magazine. Several performances/productions have been postponed or canceled, but ... c'est la vie! Currently working on three new projects in Ukraine, Australia and the U.S.A. ... and having fun! And now -- some photos!
The Heroes and Villains Monologues - Special update! - 2.03.21
I want to dedicate this announcement to the upcoming virtual event, THE HEROES & VILLAINS MONOLOGUES at Urban Stages. I'm wearing my producer's hat alongside friend/colleague Kim T. Sharp, who serves as Production Manager extraordinaire. Visit www.UrbanStages.org
I want to dedicate this announcement to the upcoming virtual event, THE HEROES & VILLAINS MONOLOGUES at Urban Stages. I'm wearing my producer's hat alongside friend/colleague Kim T. Sharp, who serves as Production Manager extraordinaire. Visit www.UrbanStages.org
Left to right. Danielle Bourgeois, featured in THE TIME YOU WERE AWAY by Scott C. Sickles, directed by Christine Cirker. Misti Tindiglia, featured in ELEANOR ROOSEVELT'S PUDDING by Ruth Zamoyta, directed by Ilanna Saltzman.
Visit Urban Stages (www.UrbanStages.org) for a Talk-Back, Chats with the creative teams with Sue Matsuki, and a program |
January / February Update - 2.02.21
A quick catch-up first! Hi, Friends! The Group Rep's "Nine Winning One Acts 2020, (including my play, UNFATHOMABLE) won the BroadwayWorld Los Angeles Award for Best Streaming Production. A shout out to co-producer Sascha Vanderslik! QUEEN OF CARBON, a short play in Planet Connections Zoom Fest was rescheduled ... for tonight! It will be available for viewing on the PC website for four days (www.planetconnections.org). Three of my short plays won three 48-hour writing challenges at Green Buffalo Production's Quarantine Quarters. They are MOTHER-IN-LAW'S TONGUE, MISCALCULATION, and TOUGH CHOICES. Last week, the Borderless Theatre Company opened their debut season with my series, THE REFLECTION ANTHOLOGY. The first play, TURN! TURN! TURN!, premiered last week. Three more plays of mine will be released every other week (MY HEART WILL GO ON, THE WONDER OF YOU, and PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE). And, finally, The Best Women's Stage Monologues (Smith and Kraus) were released, including two monologues from my play, CHOOSE.
What else? My one-act play, FOLDED, will run from February 12-25 in Warner Theatre Company's 9th Annual International Playwrights Festival (www.WarnerTheatre.org) WAIT! I'm wearing my producer's hat, too, this month. On Friday, we're launching THE HEROES & VILLAINS MONOLOGUES, a virtual performance at Urban Stages. The festival runs from February 5th @ 7:30 through February 12. Visit our website at www.UrbanStages.org. It's going to be FABULOUS! I'll give another shout out re more upcoming events in NYC, England, and CT!
A quick catch-up first! Hi, Friends! The Group Rep's "Nine Winning One Acts 2020, (including my play, UNFATHOMABLE) won the BroadwayWorld Los Angeles Award for Best Streaming Production. A shout out to co-producer Sascha Vanderslik! QUEEN OF CARBON, a short play in Planet Connections Zoom Fest was rescheduled ... for tonight! It will be available for viewing on the PC website for four days (www.planetconnections.org). Three of my short plays won three 48-hour writing challenges at Green Buffalo Production's Quarantine Quarters. They are MOTHER-IN-LAW'S TONGUE, MISCALCULATION, and TOUGH CHOICES. Last week, the Borderless Theatre Company opened their debut season with my series, THE REFLECTION ANTHOLOGY. The first play, TURN! TURN! TURN!, premiered last week. Three more plays of mine will be released every other week (MY HEART WILL GO ON, THE WONDER OF YOU, and PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE). And, finally, The Best Women's Stage Monologues (Smith and Kraus) were released, including two monologues from my play, CHOOSE.
What else? My one-act play, FOLDED, will run from February 12-25 in Warner Theatre Company's 9th Annual International Playwrights Festival (www.WarnerTheatre.org) WAIT! I'm wearing my producer's hat, too, this month. On Friday, we're launching THE HEROES & VILLAINS MONOLOGUES, a virtual performance at Urban Stages. The festival runs from February 5th @ 7:30 through February 12. Visit our website at www.UrbanStages.org. It's going to be FABULOUS! I'll give another shout out re more upcoming events in NYC, England, and CT!
December Update - 12.03.20
Oh, it's been another full month!! OY OY OY had a virtual presentation with The Playground Experiment on November 21. The anthology, The PGE Faces of America Monologue Festival Anthology #2, is now available on Amazon. CAROLINA IN THE MORNING is available for viewing from December 2-6, 2020, as a selection in the Rutgers-NJIT Theatre presentation, The Directors' Project 2020. Visit https://theatre.njit.edu. My short play, MISCALCULATION, won the recent Quarantine Quarters 48-hour Writing Challenge. An audio presentation on December 4th is a one-night only event. Visit their facebook page: Green Buffalo Productions. Another short play, CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?, is being presented live in the Pastiche Reading Series on Sunday, Dec. 13 at 1pm. Visit their Facebook Page for a link!
Oh, and here's some more news! The Group Rep's "Nine Winning One Acts 2020" (including my play, UNFATHOMABLE) has been nominated for a BroadwayWorld Los Angeles Award for Best Streaming Production. (Voting is open until December 31). Here's a shout out to producers Helen O’Brien & Sascha Vanderslik. (Sascha was also featured in my play!)
I'm so SO proud of my work with Lynn Petersen, director and editor extraordinaire, in her programming, "Something Quirky This Way Comes," a Canberra Region Feltmakers production in association with iMovie, a CRF film. I contributed four scripts. I wrote three pieces in response to felt puppets for Australian actresses, entitled FACTS, FREQUENT FLYER and STUPID BOY, featuring Amy Crawford, Stephanie Lekkas and Sascha Vanderslik. My fourth piece is a 5-minute monologue in response to a felt puppet created by Lynn Petersen, entitled THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. In fact, I performed my own material (for the second time in 30 years!) under the direction of Kim T. Sharp. Click this link to access the virtual exhibition and video playlist. Visit .https://canfelt.org.au/exhibition
Oh, it's been another full month!! OY OY OY had a virtual presentation with The Playground Experiment on November 21. The anthology, The PGE Faces of America Monologue Festival Anthology #2, is now available on Amazon. CAROLINA IN THE MORNING is available for viewing from December 2-6, 2020, as a selection in the Rutgers-NJIT Theatre presentation, The Directors' Project 2020. Visit https://theatre.njit.edu. My short play, MISCALCULATION, won the recent Quarantine Quarters 48-hour Writing Challenge. An audio presentation on December 4th is a one-night only event. Visit their facebook page: Green Buffalo Productions. Another short play, CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?, is being presented live in the Pastiche Reading Series on Sunday, Dec. 13 at 1pm. Visit their Facebook Page for a link!
Oh, and here's some more news! The Group Rep's "Nine Winning One Acts 2020" (including my play, UNFATHOMABLE) has been nominated for a BroadwayWorld Los Angeles Award for Best Streaming Production. (Voting is open until December 31). Here's a shout out to producers Helen O’Brien & Sascha Vanderslik. (Sascha was also featured in my play!)
I'm so SO proud of my work with Lynn Petersen, director and editor extraordinaire, in her programming, "Something Quirky This Way Comes," a Canberra Region Feltmakers production in association with iMovie, a CRF film. I contributed four scripts. I wrote three pieces in response to felt puppets for Australian actresses, entitled FACTS, FREQUENT FLYER and STUPID BOY, featuring Amy Crawford, Stephanie Lekkas and Sascha Vanderslik. My fourth piece is a 5-minute monologue in response to a felt puppet created by Lynn Petersen, entitled THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS. In fact, I performed my own material (for the second time in 30 years!) under the direction of Kim T. Sharp. Click this link to access the virtual exhibition and video playlist. Visit .https://canfelt.org.au/exhibition
November Update - 11.08.20
WE HAVE A PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT ELECT! It's simply the best news ever ... for everyone! I'm so distracted that I'm up in the wee hours and so I'm trying to be productive. And, yes, it's been another productive month. My monologue, OY OY OY, was selected for the Playground Experiment's anthology, "Faces of America Monologues, Volume 2." It will be presented live on November 27. My one-act play THE WONDER OF YOU, won First Place at the Shawnee Playhouse Short Play Festival. Twenty-one zoom presentations down, ten to go. I'm looking forward to sharing with you a project that I'm doing in Australia, "Something Quirky this Way Comes." Stay tuned! Meanwhile, I can't help myself. Here's a post-Halloween photo of my granddaughters!
WE HAVE A PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT ELECT! It's simply the best news ever ... for everyone! I'm so distracted that I'm up in the wee hours and so I'm trying to be productive. And, yes, it's been another productive month. My monologue, OY OY OY, was selected for the Playground Experiment's anthology, "Faces of America Monologues, Volume 2." It will be presented live on November 27. My one-act play THE WONDER OF YOU, won First Place at the Shawnee Playhouse Short Play Festival. Twenty-one zoom presentations down, ten to go. I'm looking forward to sharing with you a project that I'm doing in Australia, "Something Quirky this Way Comes." Stay tuned! Meanwhile, I can't help myself. Here's a post-Halloween photo of my granddaughters!
October Update - 10.17.20
It's a full month! My full-length play, ALL MOTHERS WERE SUMMONED, will be presented in the Ego Actus virtual play reading series, “Survival is Insufficient,” on October 27th at 7:30pm. The link to view the 50-minute free performance is http://egoactus.com/plays/survival-is-insufficient/ Ah, but first -- my monologue, JOANNA HOGG, will be performed on Sunday, October 25th at 6:30, in the FAB Women @ Barrow Group program, “Women in Theatre.” Visit The Barrow Group or reserve free tix at https://web.ovationtix.com/trs/cal/34684 My 10-minute play, MOTHER-IN-LAW’S TONGUE’ winner of the Green Buffalo Productions #Quarantine Quarters 48-hour challenge, was rescheduled for October 23rd @ 7pm. Visit https://greenbuffaloproductions.weebly.com/ And my short play, RESPONSIBLE, will be presented on Greenhouse Ensemble’s Quarantine Soiree on Thursday, October 29th @ 7pm. Visit their website for the link at https://greenhouseensemble.com/ https:// And, if you haven't read it already, my essay, ZOOMING ALONG, is published on the Studio Theater in Exile website under “Musings.” The essay explores the zoom platform and theatre in the time of Covid 19. Visit https://www.studiotheaterinexile.com/news/musings-on-theater-in-the-time-of-covid-19-bara-swain
Other upcoming events: The Pastiche Series will present CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW on November 29, and a 5-day run of CAROLINA IN THE MORNING will be produced in the Rutgers/NJIT Directors Project on December 2-December 6.
And here are several photos of my recent world premiere of the short play, UNFATHOMABLE, selected for the Group Rep's 2020 Nine Winning One-Acts series. Visit their website to view the program. It will be available until December 1! (https://thegrouprep.com)
It's a full month! My full-length play, ALL MOTHERS WERE SUMMONED, will be presented in the Ego Actus virtual play reading series, “Survival is Insufficient,” on October 27th at 7:30pm. The link to view the 50-minute free performance is http://egoactus.com/plays/survival-is-insufficient/ Ah, but first -- my monologue, JOANNA HOGG, will be performed on Sunday, October 25th at 6:30, in the FAB Women @ Barrow Group program, “Women in Theatre.” Visit The Barrow Group or reserve free tix at https://web.ovationtix.com/trs/cal/34684 My 10-minute play, MOTHER-IN-LAW’S TONGUE’ winner of the Green Buffalo Productions #Quarantine Quarters 48-hour challenge, was rescheduled for October 23rd @ 7pm. Visit https://greenbuffaloproductions.weebly.com/ And my short play, RESPONSIBLE, will be presented on Greenhouse Ensemble’s Quarantine Soiree on Thursday, October 29th @ 7pm. Visit their website for the link at https://greenhouseensemble.com/ https:// And, if you haven't read it already, my essay, ZOOMING ALONG, is published on the Studio Theater in Exile website under “Musings.” The essay explores the zoom platform and theatre in the time of Covid 19. Visit https://www.studiotheaterinexile.com/news/musings-on-theater-in-the-time-of-covid-19-bara-swain
Other upcoming events: The Pastiche Series will present CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW on November 29, and a 5-day run of CAROLINA IN THE MORNING will be produced in the Rutgers/NJIT Directors Project on December 2-December 6.
And here are several photos of my recent world premiere of the short play, UNFATHOMABLE, selected for the Group Rep's 2020 Nine Winning One-Acts series. Visit their website to view the program. It will be available until December 1! (https://thegrouprep.com)
September Update - 9.19.20
And the shows go on! My "live" piece, VICTORIA PARK, closes in Kitchener, Canada today. I always feel like an impostor when my work is being produced and I'm sitting in my apartment. Anyway, I have several upcoming new projects, including the world premiere of my short play, UNFATHOMABLE with The Group Rep in California. They're producing a Zoom version on my birthday, in fact (10/10), and then presenting the plays live when the world is safe again. (Please vote, everyone!) On October 27, a new untitled one-act play of mine will be part of a virtual play reading series with Ego Actus Theatre, "Survival is Insufficient." Info and cast is forthcoming, but Kim T. Sharp will helm the play as director. I also have a Zoom performances of CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW with the Pastiche Series, and I'm looking forward to a performance of FOLDED, my fourth production with Warner Theatre. What? I have no room for a photo of my granddaughters? Well, I'll make room. XOX
And the shows go on! My "live" piece, VICTORIA PARK, closes in Kitchener, Canada today. I always feel like an impostor when my work is being produced and I'm sitting in my apartment. Anyway, I have several upcoming new projects, including the world premiere of my short play, UNFATHOMABLE with The Group Rep in California. They're producing a Zoom version on my birthday, in fact (10/10), and then presenting the plays live when the world is safe again. (Please vote, everyone!) On October 27, a new untitled one-act play of mine will be part of a virtual play reading series with Ego Actus Theatre, "Survival is Insufficient." Info and cast is forthcoming, but Kim T. Sharp will helm the play as director. I also have a Zoom performances of CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW with the Pastiche Series, and I'm looking forward to a performance of FOLDED, my fourth production with Warner Theatre. What? I have no room for a photo of my granddaughters? Well, I'll make room. XOX
AUGUST Update - 8.02.20
With nothing to bookend my days, I've been writing and editing and submitting like a madwoman. I have accepted that Zoom is the platform of choice during this unprecedented time and, for some reason, I've been reluctant to share the fruits of my efforts. In between loads of laundry (including my color-coordinated face masks -- I believe I have 40!), I am posting updates. Indeed, the last five months are a blur and this is my attempt to sort it out and celebrate while I mourn the passing of friends and colleagues, the demise of theatre homes, and the uncertain future.
Two monologues launched at Studio Theatre in Exile: SEVENTY-SEVEN and YOU MIGHT AS WELL. Visit their website for other offerings in their "Climbing the Walls" program, a collaboration with Hudson Valley MOCA and Studio Theater in Exile. Links for my performances are below: https://www.studiotheaterinexile.com/news/climbing-the-walls-you-might-as-well-bara-swain https://www.studiotheaterinexile.com/news/climbing-the-walls-seventy-seven-bara-swain My trilogy, THE SOUTHERN COMFORT PLAYS, was selected for the Planet Connections Zoom Fest and was presented live on Monday, July 20, under the direction of Kim T. Sharp. The rehearsal process was one of the best experiences that I've had to date in the theatre. On July 17, Theater is the Cure (TITC), a world-wide zoom platform, presented my second monologue, YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH FACT, under the direction of A.D. Hannah Logan. The first monologue, THE GOLDEN GIRLS, featured Jessica Washington and was performed on May 29. On May 1, three monologues were performed in the Quick Quarantined Play Festival with Vintage Soul Productions. They were: MO CHU , WITH FRIENDS LIKE THAT, and PLAIN WHITE TEES. A live performance of VICTORIA PARK will be performed in Flush Ink's Theatre Company program, Asphalt Jungle Shorts, from September 12-19, in Canada. UNFATHOMABLE was chosen for The Group Rep Theatre's Festival, North Hollywood, California. FOLDED will be filmed on-stage at the Warner Theatre in Connecticut, as a selection for their International Playwrights Festival. THE WONDER OF YOU was selected as a Finalist for Shawnee Playhouse's festival in PA. Final selections are forthcoming. Two webisodes premiered in May and August (S1E33 and S1E42, respectively) for Chapter Three's "City Kitties" world-wide project. Visit www.chap.three.com to view HERRING and THE SWEATER. The Winners and Judges Picks were selected for THE ACRONYM PLAYS, a publishing opportunity that I produced for Urban Stages. Visit www.UrbanStages.org to read the 10-minute plays. HOP POP was selected for the Quarantine Bake-Off in May. In the works: an audio play of THE AFFIRMATION PLAYS with a new company, Borderless Productions. (I'm very excited! Wonderful team of director/actors. Will update soon! And granddaughter Ellery turned 21 months old! |
Yesterday, FAB Women at Barrow Group (NYC) zoomed a FAB Women Special Event. Facilitated by Christine Circker, the program featured an evening of monologues inspired by women in theatre. The springboard for my piece was British film director and screen writer, Joanna Hogg. The monologue, A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME, was performed by the talented Kristina Latour. https://www.barrowgroup.org/ |
MAY Update - 5.15.20
While I "stay at home," my voice is being shared in many venues. Yesterday, my webisode for Chapter Three's series, City Kitties, launched. HERRING, episode 33, can be viewed at their website. Visit https://www.chapthree.com/city-kitties-episodes/. Last Saturday, Primary Stages presented SEVENTY SEVEN in their streamed live series, "The Coronalogues." It was a wonderful experience. The monologue, ‘SEVENTY-SEVEN,’ was also chosen for a joint arts project with Studio Theater in Exile and Hudson Valley MOCA, Climbing the Walls. Visit www.studiotheaterinexile.com. On May 11, had a first read of my one-act play, THE WONDER OF YOU, at Shawnee Playhouse and, while my winning play, QUEEN OF CARBON, was not streamed at Stonybrook's Science Play Competition, it will be available to read online at their website. My one-act play, ‘MY HEART WILL GO ON,’ won the Crafton Hills New Works Festival (CA), and was also streamed on May 9. On June 18-19, my spanking new 7-minute play, ‘CAROLINA IN THE MORNING,’ will be streamed live with Shotz-Amios www.amios.nyc/category/shotz As a winner of the Geneva Theatre Guild’s Playwright’s Playreading Program, ‘FOLDED,’ a one-act play, will be streamed on June 3, featuring NYC actress Jackie Marashuk. For more info, visit www.genevatheatreguild.org. The play was also selected for Summer Shorts, Theatre Workshop of Owensboro in Kentucky, and will be produced as a live performance in the winter. I am also participating in the Quick Quarantined Play Festival @ 7pm. Three monologues written for three actors will be zoomed and available on the theater’s website, www.VintageSoulProductions.com. My trilogy, ‘THE SOUTHERN COMFORT PLAYS,’ will be featured in the Planet Connections Online Zoom Fest on July 20 @ 7:30, under the direction of Kim T. Sharp. Visit www.planetconnections.org/zoom-fest/ Finally, two monologues from my play, ‘CHOOSE,’ were selected for the Smith & Kraus upcoming anthology, Best Women’s Monologues 2020.
While I "stay at home," my voice is being shared in many venues. Yesterday, my webisode for Chapter Three's series, City Kitties, launched. HERRING, episode 33, can be viewed at their website. Visit https://www.chapthree.com/city-kitties-episodes/. Last Saturday, Primary Stages presented SEVENTY SEVEN in their streamed live series, "The Coronalogues." It was a wonderful experience. The monologue, ‘SEVENTY-SEVEN,’ was also chosen for a joint arts project with Studio Theater in Exile and Hudson Valley MOCA, Climbing the Walls. Visit www.studiotheaterinexile.com. On May 11, had a first read of my one-act play, THE WONDER OF YOU, at Shawnee Playhouse and, while my winning play, QUEEN OF CARBON, was not streamed at Stonybrook's Science Play Competition, it will be available to read online at their website. My one-act play, ‘MY HEART WILL GO ON,’ won the Crafton Hills New Works Festival (CA), and was also streamed on May 9. On June 18-19, my spanking new 7-minute play, ‘CAROLINA IN THE MORNING,’ will be streamed live with Shotz-Amios www.amios.nyc/category/shotz As a winner of the Geneva Theatre Guild’s Playwright’s Playreading Program, ‘FOLDED,’ a one-act play, will be streamed on June 3, featuring NYC actress Jackie Marashuk. For more info, visit www.genevatheatreguild.org. The play was also selected for Summer Shorts, Theatre Workshop of Owensboro in Kentucky, and will be produced as a live performance in the winter. I am also participating in the Quick Quarantined Play Festival @ 7pm. Three monologues written for three actors will be zoomed and available on the theater’s website, www.VintageSoulProductions.com. My trilogy, ‘THE SOUTHERN COMFORT PLAYS,’ will be featured in the Planet Connections Online Zoom Fest on July 20 @ 7:30, under the direction of Kim T. Sharp. Visit www.planetconnections.org/zoom-fest/ Finally, two monologues from my play, ‘CHOOSE,’ were selected for the Smith & Kraus upcoming anthology, Best Women’s Monologues 2020.
I'm speechless these days. And while I feel guilty posting in this time of crisis, it's my writing voice and producing efforts that have distracted me from the isolation, the news, and my friends and colleagues who are stricken with the virus.
As I update my theatre activities, I added a new section: Cancelled Due to Covid-19. This includes productions with Ghostlight Theatre Ensemble (LITTLE BLACK DRESS); my first SHOTZ-Amios festival (a draft of HEADS OR TAILS); Barrow Group's 365 Women a Year Festival (JOANNA HOGG), and a reception for the winners of the Simons Center for Geometry & Physics Playwright Competition (QUEEN OF CARBON).
My biggest distraction is producing THE ACRONYM PLAYS (see the Call for Submissions, below). I'm also having streamed readings of MY HEART WILL GO ON (Crafton Hills New Works Festival, CA) and FOLDED (winner of the 2020 Geneva Theatre Guild Playwrights Play Readings Program, NY). Recently, I was paired with actress Lizzy Jarrett for a monologue event with Primary Stages' DETENTION #50. I wrote her a 3-minute monologue in response to the prompt, Love in the Time of Corona, entitled SEVENTY-SEVEN. The Detention Series, "The Coronalogues," will be held virtually via Zoom every evening, May 8, 9, and 10. Our collaboration will be performed by Lizzy on May 9. More info to come. And, finally, two monologues from my short play, CHOOSE!, were selected for the 2020 Smith and Kraus anthology, "Best Women's Monologues."
Meanwhile ... I'm at a loss of words again! ... please stay safe.
As I update my theatre activities, I added a new section: Cancelled Due to Covid-19. This includes productions with Ghostlight Theatre Ensemble (LITTLE BLACK DRESS); my first SHOTZ-Amios festival (a draft of HEADS OR TAILS); Barrow Group's 365 Women a Year Festival (JOANNA HOGG), and a reception for the winners of the Simons Center for Geometry & Physics Playwright Competition (QUEEN OF CARBON).
My biggest distraction is producing THE ACRONYM PLAYS (see the Call for Submissions, below). I'm also having streamed readings of MY HEART WILL GO ON (Crafton Hills New Works Festival, CA) and FOLDED (winner of the 2020 Geneva Theatre Guild Playwrights Play Readings Program, NY). Recently, I was paired with actress Lizzy Jarrett for a monologue event with Primary Stages' DETENTION #50. I wrote her a 3-minute monologue in response to the prompt, Love in the Time of Corona, entitled SEVENTY-SEVEN. The Detention Series, "The Coronalogues," will be held virtually via Zoom every evening, May 8, 9, and 10. Our collaboration will be performed by Lizzy on May 9. More info to come. And, finally, two monologues from my short play, CHOOSE!, were selected for the 2020 Smith and Kraus anthology, "Best Women's Monologues."
Meanwhile ... I'm at a loss of words again! ... please stay safe.

THE ACRONYM PLAYS: Call for Submissions (April 1 - June 1, 2020)
An “Urban Stages New Pages” On-Line Publication Opportunity
Bara Swain, Creative Consultant
Plays chosen will have the opportunity to be presented live at the
award-winning Off-Broadway theatre, Urban Stages, located at 259 West 30th Street
While nothing can fully replace live theater, the staff at Urban Stages invites ALL playwrights to participate in our next 10-minute play competition, THE ACRONYM PLAYS. This opportunity will support our goal to discover and nurture new works by artists of diverse cultural backgrounds.
From the safety of your home, we encourage you to create a brand new play using the springboard and guidelines, detailed below, that will be reviewed by a panel of professional theatre artists. On a rolling basis, the readers will recommend compelling, well-constructed plays to Bara Swain, our Creative Consultant, who has been spearheading our staged reading festivals for “Urban Stages New Pages” since its inception. If your play is selected, the script will be uploaded to our website and accessible to the public for reading and, yes, commenting on Urban Stages’ FB page (@urban.stages)! After all, this will be the first time that your words will be presented!
Acronyms! Yes, that is the springboard for our next ten-minute play competition at Urban Stages. Use your imagination! Acronyms are defined by Merriam-Webster as “a word formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term.” Huh? Okay, we’re not going to be heavy handed during this chaotic time. Since an acronym is a kind of abbreviation, we’ll also accept plays that are inspired by a shortened form of a word or phrase. WTF! … and I’m not referring to offensive slang, LOL. WTF is also the acronym for the Williamstown Theatre Festival and Women’s Tri-Fitness Competition. Oh, and LOL can refer to the now mostly obsolete “lots of luck” or “lots of love” used in letter-writing or, yes, Land of Lincoln, the official state slogan of Illinois, also retired from use.
Your challenge is to write a 10-minute play using an acronym or an abbreviation as the springboard for your piece. There are a wealth of acronyms to choose and explore, from social media, technological, economic and environmental acronyms to political, medical, digital, customer service and school logo acronyms.
As always, everyone – the writers and Urban Stages staff – are donating their time and talent for this online adventure and future live readings at our theatre home in the heart of Manhattan.
It will be helpful if you state your name and the acronym that inspired your work in the subject line. Please include a summary of your play in the body of your email and a bio. If you have a website, let us know that, too. The authors of the plays chosen for “publication” will be notified prior to uploading to the web. While our assumption is that we have your permission to present your play in the written form on our website, we will confirm your approval at that time. Note that if we need to set a limit of submissions at a later date, you’ll hear from us.
Submit your play to [email protected]. Do you have any questions? Reach out to Bara at the same email address. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Stay safe and keep writing,
Bara Swain
Creative Consultant, Urban Stages
Frances Hill
Artistic Director
Antoinette Mullins
Literary Manager
Visit www.UrbanStages.org for further information and updates.
THE ACRONYM PLAYS: Call for Submissions (April 1 - June 1, 2020)
An “Urban Stages New Pages” On-Line Publication Opportunity
Bara Swain, Creative Consultant
Plays chosen will have the opportunity to be presented live at the
award-winning Off-Broadway theatre, Urban Stages, located at 259 West 30th Street
While nothing can fully replace live theater, the staff at Urban Stages invites ALL playwrights to participate in our next 10-minute play competition, THE ACRONYM PLAYS. This opportunity will support our goal to discover and nurture new works by artists of diverse cultural backgrounds.
From the safety of your home, we encourage you to create a brand new play using the springboard and guidelines, detailed below, that will be reviewed by a panel of professional theatre artists. On a rolling basis, the readers will recommend compelling, well-constructed plays to Bara Swain, our Creative Consultant, who has been spearheading our staged reading festivals for “Urban Stages New Pages” since its inception. If your play is selected, the script will be uploaded to our website and accessible to the public for reading and, yes, commenting on Urban Stages’ FB page (@urban.stages)! After all, this will be the first time that your words will be presented!
Acronyms! Yes, that is the springboard for our next ten-minute play competition at Urban Stages. Use your imagination! Acronyms are defined by Merriam-Webster as “a word formed from the initial letter or letters of each of the successive parts or major parts of a compound term.” Huh? Okay, we’re not going to be heavy handed during this chaotic time. Since an acronym is a kind of abbreviation, we’ll also accept plays that are inspired by a shortened form of a word or phrase. WTF! … and I’m not referring to offensive slang, LOL. WTF is also the acronym for the Williamstown Theatre Festival and Women’s Tri-Fitness Competition. Oh, and LOL can refer to the now mostly obsolete “lots of luck” or “lots of love” used in letter-writing or, yes, Land of Lincoln, the official state slogan of Illinois, also retired from use.
Your challenge is to write a 10-minute play using an acronym or an abbreviation as the springboard for your piece. There are a wealth of acronyms to choose and explore, from social media, technological, economic and environmental acronyms to political, medical, digital, customer service and school logo acronyms.
As always, everyone – the writers and Urban Stages staff – are donating their time and talent for this online adventure and future live readings at our theatre home in the heart of Manhattan.
- Your play must use one (or more) acronyms/abbreviations in your play, or serve as the springboard for your script.
- Write for 2-3 characters only.
- Maximum length is 10 pages. As we roll this program out, please submit your play in Word or PDF in the event that we need to re-format for our website.
- Dazzle me! The link below provides lists of common acronyms in chat, military, government and business, as well as informative acronyms (i.e. ADD, OTC, DOA, DIY) and acronyms as identifiers (i.e. AA, NFL, SWF, ESPN). You may also be inspired by googling “Acronyms” and searching images. https://abbreviations.yourdictionary.com/articles/common-accronyms.html
- Scripts can be submitted beginning on April 1 through June 1, with a possible extension. We are currently selecting judges and designing our website to support this effort. Plays will be “published” on a rolling basis.
It will be helpful if you state your name and the acronym that inspired your work in the subject line. Please include a summary of your play in the body of your email and a bio. If you have a website, let us know that, too. The authors of the plays chosen for “publication” will be notified prior to uploading to the web. While our assumption is that we have your permission to present your play in the written form on our website, we will confirm your approval at that time. Note that if we need to set a limit of submissions at a later date, you’ll hear from us.
Submit your play to [email protected]. Do you have any questions? Reach out to Bara at the same email address. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!
Stay safe and keep writing,
Bara Swain
Creative Consultant, Urban Stages
Frances Hill
Artistic Director
Antoinette Mullins
Literary Manager
Visit www.UrbanStages.org for further information and updates.
CHOOSE! opens tonight - 2.28.20
Actors Jackie Maruschak and Katherine Alt Keener give excellent performances of my play, CHOOSE!, helmed by powerhouse director Melissa Skirboll. The play is featured in the Briefs section of Eclectic Shorts at Artistic New Directions, running through next weekend. Visit andtheatrecompany.org for schedule and times!
Actors Jackie Maruschak and Katherine Alt Keener give excellent performances of my play, CHOOSE!, helmed by powerhouse director Melissa Skirboll. The play is featured in the Briefs section of Eclectic Shorts at Artistic New Directions, running through next weekend. Visit andtheatrecompany.org for schedule and times!
2020 Announcements ... and photos! - 2.11.20
This year keeps giving and giving and giving! I had a production of I LOVE LUCY with the Drama Lab at Phillips Academy in January. CHOOSE! is in rehearsal for the Feb/March production at ANDTheatre. LITTLE BLACK DRESS will appear at the Ghostlight Theatre Ensemble in California, and THE WONDER OF YOU will have a staged reading with Flush Ink Productions in Canada. Oh, and THE TOURIST TRAP PLAYS at Urban Stages was simply chocked full of talent. See the photos below!!!
This year keeps giving and giving and giving! I had a production of I LOVE LUCY with the Drama Lab at Phillips Academy in January. CHOOSE! is in rehearsal for the Feb/March production at ANDTheatre. LITTLE BLACK DRESS will appear at the Ghostlight Theatre Ensemble in California, and THE WONDER OF YOU will have a staged reading with Flush Ink Productions in Canada. Oh, and THE TOURIST TRAP PLAYS at Urban Stages was simply chocked full of talent. See the photos below!!!
HELLO, 2020 - 1.16.20
The new decade is starting off with a bang! Today, my first webisode dropped, entitled JAMES BOND. You can access it by visiting www.chap.three.com. Next up, I'm producing THE TOURIST TRAP PLAYS at Urban Stages on Sunday, 1/26 @ 3pm. Admission is free! And take a look at the talent working on this program! I hope to see some friendly faces in the audience. In February, CHOOSE! will be produced at ANDTheatre, here in the Big Apple, and a play co-written by three members of T.A.R.T.E. (including yours truly) will premiere in T.A.R.T.E.'s 2020 season, entitled THE DINER. I'll keep you posted!
The new decade is starting off with a bang! Today, my first webisode dropped, entitled JAMES BOND. You can access it by visiting www.chap.three.com. Next up, I'm producing THE TOURIST TRAP PLAYS at Urban Stages on Sunday, 1/26 @ 3pm. Admission is free! And take a look at the talent working on this program! I hope to see some friendly faces in the audience. In February, CHOOSE! will be produced at ANDTheatre, here in the Big Apple, and a play co-written by three members of T.A.R.T.E. (including yours truly) will premiere in T.A.R.T.E.'s 2020 season, entitled THE DINER. I'll keep you posted!
I've lost track of the time! It's been a wonderful year! In 2019, I was honored to have 15 productions in three countries (USA, Australia, UAE) and 6 states (NY, CA, OH, OR, NJ, KY, CT) as well as several honors: The Standing Ovation Award (I LOVE LUCY and CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?) and the City Theatre National Award for Short Playwriting Finalist (EXTRAORDINARY). I LOVE LUCY was anthologized in Best Ten-Minute Plays 2019 and two more plays are pending publication. A radio play aired at The Radio Theatre Project, and I produced THE OPINION PIECES, presenting world premieres to new audiences. Best of all, my family is thriving and healthy. I hope you are, too!
I've lost track of the time! It's been a wonderful year! In 2019, I was honored to have 15 productions in three countries (USA, Australia, UAE) and 6 states (NY, CA, OH, OR, NJ, KY, CT) as well as several honors: The Standing Ovation Award (I LOVE LUCY and CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW?) and the City Theatre National Award for Short Playwriting Finalist (EXTRAORDINARY). I LOVE LUCY was anthologized in Best Ten-Minute Plays 2019 and two more plays are pending publication. A radio play aired at The Radio Theatre Project, and I produced THE OPINION PIECES, presenting world premieres to new audiences. Best of all, my family is thriving and healthy. I hope you are, too!
Just returned home from Torrington, CT where I had the privilege to watch the artistic team of THE WONDER OF YOU light up the stage at the Warner Theatre International Playwrights Festival! Under the marvelous direction of Sharon W. Houk, actors Olivia Wadsworth and Patrick Spadaccino elevated my words. An additional thanks to the Festival Director, Charlene Donaghy.
In July, CHOOSE had a World Premiere at the Theatre Workshop of Owensboro in Kentucky, and the summer ended with a reading of THE MISCONCEPTION PLAYS at Urban Stages in their annual "Words by Women Free Summer Readings," helmed by Christine Cirker and featuring so many talented artists: Annette Arnold, Vinny Balerlein, Emma Bass, Andy Gershezon, Renata Hinrichs, Jackie Maruschak, Zoe Wilson and Jenny Zerke.
Just returned home from Torrington, CT where I had the privilege to watch the artistic team of THE WONDER OF YOU light up the stage at the Warner Theatre International Playwrights Festival! Under the marvelous direction of Sharon W. Houk, actors Olivia Wadsworth and Patrick Spadaccino elevated my words. An additional thanks to the Festival Director, Charlene Donaghy.
In July, CHOOSE had a World Premiere at the Theatre Workshop of Owensboro in Kentucky, and the summer ended with a reading of THE MISCONCEPTION PLAYS at Urban Stages in their annual "Words by Women Free Summer Readings," helmed by Christine Cirker and featuring so many talented artists: Annette Arnold, Vinny Balerlein, Emma Bass, Andy Gershezon, Renata Hinrichs, Jackie Maruschak, Zoe Wilson and Jenny Zerke.

I developed my one-act play, THE WONDER OF YOU, during my fellowship with Athena Theatre. After a staged reading at Urban Stages, I began sending it out last year. To date, I've had three productions (OH, NJ and NY). The most recent production was at The Barn Theatre in NJ.
Next, F.A.B.Women at Barrow Group are producing a summer series of one-acts, including, yes, The Wonder of You. The play is being helmed by director Christine Cirker and features Emma Bass and Andy Gershenzon. Performances are Sat, July 27 @ 2pm, Sun, July 28 @ 7pm, Sat, August 3 @ 7pm, Sun, August 4 @2pm. visit www.barrowgroup.org.
Two more things. The Bechdel Group folk reached out to me for permission to publish my short play, In Solidarity, in an upcoming anthology. Of course, I said yes! Also, I attended a read through of a project that I've been working on with T.A.R.T.E., entitled THE DINER. Three female playwrights contributed to this script (including moi!). Will update shortly!
I developed my one-act play, THE WONDER OF YOU, during my fellowship with Athena Theatre. After a staged reading at Urban Stages, I began sending it out last year. To date, I've had three productions (OH, NJ and NY). The most recent production was at The Barn Theatre in NJ.
Next, F.A.B.Women at Barrow Group are producing a summer series of one-acts, including, yes, The Wonder of You. The play is being helmed by director Christine Cirker and features Emma Bass and Andy Gershenzon. Performances are Sat, July 27 @ 2pm, Sun, July 28 @ 7pm, Sat, August 3 @ 7pm, Sun, August 4 @2pm. visit www.barrowgroup.org.
Two more things. The Bechdel Group folk reached out to me for permission to publish my short play, In Solidarity, in an upcoming anthology. Of course, I said yes! Also, I attended a read through of a project that I've been working on with T.A.R.T.E., entitled THE DINER. Three female playwrights contributed to this script (including moi!). Will update shortly!
So pleased to announce that my play, EXTRAORDINARY, was selected as a finalist for the City Theatre National Award for Short Playwriting, from 700+ submissions! The play was produced in NJ Rep's 2018 Theatre Brut Festival, "When the Circus Comes to Town."
Other news: HOLD ON was designated as a semi-finalist at Weathervane Playhouse's 8x10 TheatreFest in Ohio. I'll get there some day! Also, THE WONDER OF YOU will be produced in FAB's One Act Play Festival at the Barrow Group. So looking forward to returning to TBG! The play has an upcoming production in the 2019 Solstice Showcase One Act Festival at The Barn Theatre in NJ in a couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to attending. (Here I come, New Jersey!) In July, CHOOSE will be produced in Owensboro, Kentucky, as part of the Summer Shorts Festival.
And now a few photos of my play in the Fine Arts Association 22nd Annual One Act Festival in April. (Thanks to my Athena Theatre Fellowship, this particular play is making the rounds this year!
So pleased to announce that my play, EXTRAORDINARY, was selected as a finalist for the City Theatre National Award for Short Playwriting, from 700+ submissions! The play was produced in NJ Rep's 2018 Theatre Brut Festival, "When the Circus Comes to Town."
Other news: HOLD ON was designated as a semi-finalist at Weathervane Playhouse's 8x10 TheatreFest in Ohio. I'll get there some day! Also, THE WONDER OF YOU will be produced in FAB's One Act Play Festival at the Barrow Group. So looking forward to returning to TBG! The play has an upcoming production in the 2019 Solstice Showcase One Act Festival at The Barn Theatre in NJ in a couple of weeks. I'm looking forward to attending. (Here I come, New Jersey!) In July, CHOOSE will be produced in Owensboro, Kentucky, as part of the Summer Shorts Festival.
And now a few photos of my play in the Fine Arts Association 22nd Annual One Act Festival in April. (Thanks to my Athena Theatre Fellowship, this particular play is making the rounds this year!
BEST TEN MINUTE PLAYS 2019 - 4.21.19
The Smith and Kraus/True Acting Institute released The Best Ten Minute Plays of 2019 anthology, featuring my play I LOVE LUCY. While CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? was also selected as a first place winner from more than 1,000 submissions, the editors decided to only award one publication per playwright. Although I'm disappointed that only one of my award-winning plays appears in the anthology, you know the saying -- "When a door closes, a window opens." And so I'm pleased to announce that The Radio Theatre Project in St. Petersburg, FL, will have a live performance of CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? at Sudio@620 on April 29 as part of their Mother's Day-themed radio cast.
The Smith and Kraus/True Acting Institute released The Best Ten Minute Plays of 2019 anthology, featuring my play I LOVE LUCY. While CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? was also selected as a first place winner from more than 1,000 submissions, the editors decided to only award one publication per playwright. Although I'm disappointed that only one of my award-winning plays appears in the anthology, you know the saying -- "When a door closes, a window opens." And so I'm pleased to announce that The Radio Theatre Project in St. Petersburg, FL, will have a live performance of CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? at Sudio@620 on April 29 as part of their Mother's Day-themed radio cast.
YEARNING FOR PEACE - Articulate Theatre Company - 4.6.19

APRIL UPDATE - 3.23.19
Coming up next: YEARNING FOR PEACE (Articulate Theatre Company); THE WONDER OF YOU (Fine Arts Association 22nd Annual One Act Festival, OH); and CHOOSE (Summer Shorts 2019, Theatre Workshop of Owensboro, KY). Oh! And TURN! TURN! TURN! opens next week at the Tom Mann Theatre in Sydney, Australia, featuring Monette Lee & Barbara Hastings, under the direction of PJ Collins.
YEARNING FOR PEACE features Grant Bowen and Sarah Okada, under the direction of Brian Gillespie. Other playwrights in the AtA (Articulating the Arts) are Robin Rice, Judd Lear Silverman, Jaisey Bates, Scott C. Sickles, Liv Matthews, J.B. Alexander, Elizabeth Gordon, Jeff Dunne and Thomas C. Dunn. Directors include colleagues Joan Kane, Cat Parker, Katrin Hilbe and Michael Hagins. AND my friends/colleagues gracing the stage include Eric Percival, Valerie Terranova, Michael Gnat, Denise Pence and several more actors from the recent past - Valerie David, Sarah Babb and Laurence Cantor. (Oh, I should have named everyone!!!)
Performances are April 4-6, 2019 at TADA Theatre. Visit www.articulatetheatre.com for more information.
TURN! TURN! TURN! - 4.8/10
One of my favorite two-handers closed at the Tom Mann Theatre in Sydney, Australia at the end of March. A last minute cast change brought Barbara Hastings on board, playing opposite Monette Lee, under the direction of PJ Collins. Here are some photo opps!
One of my favorite two-handers closed at the Tom Mann Theatre in Sydney, Australia at the end of March. A last minute cast change brought Barbara Hastings on board, playing opposite Monette Lee, under the direction of PJ Collins. Here are some photo opps!
PANDEMONIUM - World Premiere in LA at the Open Fist Theatre - 3.23.19
PANDEMONIUM opened on March 15, 2019, featuring Bryan Bertone and Stephanie Crothers. Amanda Weier serves as the director in Open Fist's "What Matters Now?"
PANDEMONIUM opened on March 15, 2019, featuring Bryan Bertone and Stephanie Crothers. Amanda Weier serves as the director in Open Fist's "What Matters Now?"
My next theatrical event is serving as the producer for SWAN Day, an evening of short plays by women, entitled THE OPINION PIECES. The staged readings are FREE. Join us at Urban Stages, 259 West 30th Street at 7pm. (Doors open at 6:30.) I'll be wearing several hats: producer, playwright and director.
My next theatrical event is serving as the producer for SWAN Day, an evening of short plays by women, entitled THE OPINION PIECES. The staged readings are FREE. Join us at Urban Stages, 259 West 30th Street at 7pm. (Doors open at 6:30.) I'll be wearing several hats: producer, playwright and director.
For the first time, my work was presented in the United Arab Emirates. My short play, RESPONSIBLE, was produced in the Short+Sweet Theatre Dubai festival at The Junction, Dubai's newest and largest performing arts venue. I'm tickled pink! (February has been a productive month!)

Australia Productions - 3.2.19
I LOVE LUCY closed last weekend at Short+Sweet Sydney, under the direction of Renee Lane. Next up -- TURN! TURN! TURN! (Oh, why can't I upload the whole photo!??) Director PJ Collins is helming the production, also at the Tom Mann Theatre in Australia, starring Monette Lee & Karenza Stevens.
I LOVE LUCY closed last weekend at Short+Sweet Sydney, under the direction of Renee Lane. Next up -- TURN! TURN! TURN! (Oh, why can't I upload the whole photo!??) Director PJ Collins is helming the production, also at the Tom Mann Theatre in Australia, starring Monette Lee & Karenza Stevens.
The Wonder of You ... and more - 2.20.19
My one-act play, THE WONDER OF YOU, is part of The Eclectics Festival with Artistic New Directions at Theatre 54, NYC, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Featuring Jenny Zerke and Jason Asher, the play is helmed by director Joan Kane (photo below).
Other news: Simultaneously -- in Australia! -- I LOVE LUCY will premiere in Short+Sweet Sydney. Will post photos soon! Also, my spanking new play, YEARNING FOR PEACE, has been selected for Articulate Theatre's Protest Plays, an Articulating the Arts programming, conceived and produced by Articulate's Artistic Director, Cat Parker. Performances are in April. Oh! And last week, Everyday Inferno presented a staged reading of my play, RESPONSIBLE, as part of their annual event, "If On a Winter's Night" festival, featuring women directors.
Other news: Simultaneously -- in Australia! -- I LOVE LUCY will premiere in Short+Sweet Sydney. Will post photos soon! Also, my spanking new play, YEARNING FOR PEACE, has been selected for Articulate Theatre's Protest Plays, an Articulating the Arts programming, conceived and produced by Articulate's Artistic Director, Cat Parker. Performances are in April. Oh! And last week, Everyday Inferno presented a staged reading of my play, RESPONSIBLE, as part of their annual event, "If On a Winter's Night" festival, featuring women directors.
Planned Obsolescence - 1.12.19
The World Premiere of my play, PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE, closes tomorrow at Gallery Players. The cast, helmed by director extraordinaire Valerie Adami, features Gloria Bangiola, Rachel Marcus and Timothy Paul Jobe.
The World Premiere of my play, PLANNED OBSOLESCENCE, closes tomorrow at Gallery Players. The cast, helmed by director extraordinaire Valerie Adami, features Gloria Bangiola, Rachel Marcus and Timothy Paul Jobe.
Best Women's Stage Monologues 2018 - 12.15.18
The Best Women's Stage Monologues 2018 has been released! This volume, edited by Lawrence Harbison (Smith & Kraus) offers a rich and varied selection of monologues for women of all ages. I'm pleased to have my work featured alongside colleagues Steven Haworth, Catherine Weingarten, Sam Graber, Sandra Daley-Sharif, Deborah Savage, Daniel Guyton and Nandita Shenoy.
City Kitties Webisode - 12.12.18
The City Kitties webisode has wrapped all shooting and the release date is March 2019. I contributed three episodes: "Herring," "The Sweater," and "James Bond." Below is a production still of "James Bond," directed by Lauren Currie. For more information, visit https://chapthree.com.
Extraordinary, NJ Rep - 9.30.18
My new short play, EXTRAORDINARY, was produced in the Theatre Brut Festival at NJ Rep, under the astute direction of SuzAnne Barabas, featuring Lori Vega and Michele Tauber, actresses extraordinaire! Oh, such fun! Photos courtesy of Andrea Fox.
Saving Grace, Shrub Oak, NY - 9.02.18
SAVING GRACE was produced in the Hand to Mouth 27th Annual Playwright/Director's Workshop last weekend, under the direction of Frank Rakas. The cast featured Jacqueline Anne Smith and Anne Rodgers Pearl. Here are some photos!
Play With Your Food, Weston, CT - 7.17.18

Nadine Willig and Joanna Keylock in CRITICAL CARE, JIB Productions. Note that Nadine was also featured in the same venue in my play, CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE, several years ago!
July Update - 7.11.18
The June Plays were staged at the end of June at Urban Stages in celebration of S.W.A.N. Day (Support Women Artists Now). This marked our third women's festival under the auspices of "Urban Stages New Pages," premiering new plays written and directed by women ... with the exception of Kim T. Sharp, who channeled his inner woman to round off the creative teams. The playwrights: Jenny Lyn Bader Barbara Bleier, Stephanie Keys, Lily Rusek and ... me. The directors: Crystal Edn, Joan Kane, Kim T. Sharp, Melissa Skirboll. The actors: Michael Markham & Valerie Terranova; Barbara Bleier; Sue Brady & Therese Plummer; Laura Woyasz, Jon Krup & Sarah Sirota; Hui-Shan Yong & Eric Percival (photos below). Bara Swain, Producer/Creative Consultant; Kim T. Sharp, Stage Manager.
THE WONDER OF YOU, produced at The Old Opera House in West Virginia, received the Spotlight Award in June as well. CRITICAL CARE is being staged with JIB Productions (Play With Your Food, Weston, CT) next week, and a production of SAVING GRACE opens at the end of August with Hand to Mouth Players (Westchester, NY).
Stay cool, everyone! It's going to be a hot month!
THE WONDER OF YOU, produced at The Old Opera House in West Virginia, received the Spotlight Award in June as well. CRITICAL CARE is being staged with JIB Productions (Play With Your Food, Weston, CT) next week, and a production of SAVING GRACE opens at the end of August with Hand to Mouth Players (Westchester, NY).
Stay cool, everyone! It's going to be a hot month!
June Update - 6/10/18
A production of BROOKLYN v. MANHATTAN closes today, June 10, at The Players Theatre in Manhattan, under the direction of buddy/colleague Vincent Scott. Oh, we had fun! Several weeks ago, I had the opportunity to "play" with NY Madness through an invitation by Joan Kane, Co-Artistic Director of Ego Actus. A festival of staged readings on the theme "Who is Holding the Leash" was presented on Sunday, May 27th! More fun, fun, fun! And -- and on a personal note -- we welcomed my grand niece, Camilla Neil Coote to our family on May 29, 2018! Happy Birthday, Milly!
April Update - 04/27/18
I LOVE LUCY, produced at Short+Sweet Canberra, moves to the finals this weekend! The play is also short-listed for Short+Sweet Queensland. Here in the States, FIRST DO NO HARM was selected for the What She Said One-Act Festival, running May 24-26 at the Duluth Playhouse, Minnesota. THE WONDER OF YOU will have its world premiere with the New Voice Play Festival 2018, June 22-24, at the Old Opera House, West Virginia.
Can You Hear Me Now? - 3/15/18
Productions of CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? are playing simultaneously at AND Theatre (Artistic New Directions, NYC) and Short + Sweet Sydney. The NYC cast features Lucy McMichael and Valerie Terranova, directed by Joan Kane. The Australia cast features Debbie Tillie and Mel Day, directed by Joy Roberts. Below are production shots of the Australian cast.
The Radio Theatre Project - 01/22/18
The Radio Theatre Project opened the New Year with original, new plays on Monday, Jan 22, at 7 PM at TheStudio@620, St. Petersburg, Florida.
The radio plays included:
"Look Alive" by Bara Swain
“Pests in the House" by NIcholas Penrake
“To Mr. Wilson, c/o Shapiro & Gold” by Aleks Merilo
“Irving Coward, Detective at Large” by Matt Cowley
The RTP Ensemble is joined by some favorite guest actors, including Lisa Powers Tricomi, Colleen Cherry, Christopher Rutherford and Jim Sorensen.
The radio plays included:
"Look Alive" by Bara Swain
“Pests in the House" by NIcholas Penrake
“To Mr. Wilson, c/o Shapiro & Gold” by Aleks Merilo
“Irving Coward, Detective at Large” by Matt Cowley
The RTP Ensemble is joined by some favorite guest actors, including Lisa Powers Tricomi, Colleen Cherry, Christopher Rutherford and Jim Sorensen.


On Sunday afternoon, 1/21/17, I produced a festival of new short plays entitled THE HEROES & VILLAINS PLAYS, our 6th program at Urban Stages for "Urban Stages New Pages."
I invited 8 playwrights to write a script incorporating a quote by selected heroes and villains chosen from historical, fictional and comic book figures. The biggest challenge -- the plays had to be written for a pool of eleven actors:
The plays were:
THIS IS WHERE I LIVE NOW by Glenn Alterman, directed by Joan Kane; A CHARMED LIFE by Owen Panettieri, directed by Vincent Scott; BROKEN by Nora Sorena Casey, directed by Ruis Woertendyke; FIRST DATE by Eric Percival, directed by Cat Parker; MY HERO IS HOT EVEN THOUGH HE MAKES BIRD HOUSES by Catherine Weingarten, directed by Kim T. Sharp; CHESTER'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU written & directed by Wendy Mae Shelton; THE WHITECHAPEL CLUB by Tom Slot, directed by Ilanna Saltzman; and HAND ON HEART by Scott C. Sickles, directed by Melissa Skirboll. The acting pool: John Fico, James Wilcox, Valerie Terranova, Dara O'Brien, Jackie Maruschak, Chris Chinn, Hui-Shan Yong, Laura Kamin, Devin Doyle, Caroline Seiff, and Eric Percival.
I invited 8 playwrights to write a script incorporating a quote by selected heroes and villains chosen from historical, fictional and comic book figures. The biggest challenge -- the plays had to be written for a pool of eleven actors:
The plays were:
THIS IS WHERE I LIVE NOW by Glenn Alterman, directed by Joan Kane; A CHARMED LIFE by Owen Panettieri, directed by Vincent Scott; BROKEN by Nora Sorena Casey, directed by Ruis Woertendyke; FIRST DATE by Eric Percival, directed by Cat Parker; MY HERO IS HOT EVEN THOUGH HE MAKES BIRD HOUSES by Catherine Weingarten, directed by Kim T. Sharp; CHESTER'S RIGHT BEHIND YOU written & directed by Wendy Mae Shelton; THE WHITECHAPEL CLUB by Tom Slot, directed by Ilanna Saltzman; and HAND ON HEART by Scott C. Sickles, directed by Melissa Skirboll. The acting pool: John Fico, James Wilcox, Valerie Terranova, Dara O'Brien, Jackie Maruschak, Chris Chinn, Hui-Shan Yong, Laura Kamin, Devin Doyle, Caroline Seiff, and Eric Percival.
ON AIR/On Stage: Articulate's Holiday Radio Plays - 12/08/2017

The Holiday Radio Plays
ON AIR/On Stage is Articulate Theatre Company's exploration into the world of radio plays. Imagine stepping into a room where your imagination is instantly engaged by nothing more than microphones, actors, and an "On the Air" sign that takes you from story to story, effortlessly.
And let's not forget the oh-so-important SOUND EFFECTS TEAM! Watch this talented group transport you from a snowy mountainside, to the not-so-mean streets of Chelsea, to the inside of a drink glass, to a snowy railroad station - all with some shoes, corn flakes, chimes, and a few other "secret" items.
Please join us as we romp through the winter holidays with the talented writers and actors of Articulate!
The Holiday Radio Plays
ON AIR/On Stage is Articulate Theatre Company's exploration into the world of radio plays. Imagine stepping into a room where your imagination is instantly engaged by nothing more than microphones, actors, and an "On the Air" sign that takes you from story to story, effortlessly.
And let's not forget the oh-so-important SOUND EFFECTS TEAM! Watch this talented group transport you from a snowy mountainside, to the not-so-mean streets of Chelsea, to the inside of a drink glass, to a snowy railroad station - all with some shoes, corn flakes, chimes, and a few other "secret" items.
Please join us as we romp through the winter holidays with the talented writers and actors of Articulate!
ATHENA WRITES: End of Year Reading - 11/28/2017

One night only! Come hear excerpts from Athena Writes playwright residents at the Episcopal
Actors' Guild of America.
My excerpt is from my series, THE HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD PLAYS, directed by Dina Vovsi and
featuring Kate Whitney and Veronique Ori.
I'll make this short and sweet! I have an upcoming production in Australia as part of Short+Sweet Sydney 2018. So far, in this international festival, I've been short-listed nine times: Short+Sweet Hollywood, Short+Sweet Kolkata, and Short+Sweet Auckland. My recent August production of I LOVE LUCY in California was a Short+Sweet entry. I love this opportunity!
Photos of SAVING GRACE, Warner Theatre, CT - October 2017
Photos of LITTLE BLACK DRESS, West Side Theatre, NYC - October 2017
TARTE One Act Festival, West End Theatre, NYC - 09/28/2017

LITTLE BLACK DRESS, helmed by director extraordinaire Melissa Skirboll, features:
Monday, 10/16
Tuesday, 10/17
Wednesday, 10/18
@ 7:30
West End Theatre
263 West 86th Street
For tickets, visit
LITTLE BLACK DRESS, helmed by director extraordinaire Melissa Skirboll, features:
- Joanna Blais
- Estelle Bajou
- Valerie David
Monday, 10/16
Tuesday, 10/17
Wednesday, 10/18
@ 7:30
West End Theatre
263 West 86th Street
For tickets, visit
Warner Theatre Company International Playwrights Festival - 09/19/2017
Coming up in October!
SAVING GRACE by Bara Swain (New York) | Directed by Rebecca Russo Ozerhoski Bara Swain’s plays and films have been performed in over 100 venues in U.S. and abroad. Critical Care, featured in Serious Daring: Creative Writing in Four Genres (Oxford U. Press), serves as a key reading for the craft of dialogue. Other publishers include Smith & Kraus, Art Age Press, Applause Books, and Original Works. In SAVING GRACE, her goal was to portray the complicated mother/daughter bond, fraught with conflicting expectations and misinterpretations; love and understanding. She was also inspired by a long-ago memory of her own young daughter, who once begged her to buy her a yo-yo because she said, mournfully, “I have no special skills.” Underemployed Grace is discovered trying out a new skill – balancing a tennis racket on her finger – when her divorced mother makes a surprise visit. The play explores responsibility, disappointment and mother/daughter relationships when Grace’s Uncle Lenny ends up in a nearby hospital. Rising Sun Performance Company Residency - 08/11/2017

Rehearsal begins on Monday for BIG APPLE BYTES: A Series of NYC Site-Specific Plays. The staged reading is a collaboration with Rising Sun Performance Company and Governors Island. Yes, we'll be performing at House 11 on the island on Saturday & Sunday, 8/19 & 8/20. And we plan to have fun!
The cast, under the direction of Joan Kane, includes Rachel A. Collins, Crystal Edn, Autumn Mirassou, Eric Percival, Doug Rossi, Danielle Bee Smotrich and Hui-Shan Yong.
Art/Design by Lisa Feldman, and extraordinary friend, colleague and artist.
The cast, under the direction of Joan Kane, includes Rachel A. Collins, Crystal Edn, Autumn Mirassou, Eric Percival, Doug Rossi, Danielle Bee Smotrich and Hui-Shan Yong.
Art/Design by Lisa Feldman, and extraordinary friend, colleague and artist.
Short+Sweet Festival & Bechdel Group - 07/28/2017
I participated in Bechdel Group's THE BACK ROOM PLAYS on Monday evening. SO much fun! Thanks to Gina and the rest of the staff for this opportunity, and a shout out to the actors who supported our voices!
Meanwhile, I LOVE LUCY is in rehearsal at the Stella Adler Theatre in Hollywood, under the direction of Todd Felderstein for an August opening. Ah, here's a tech rehearsal photo opp. Happy August, everyone! |
Monologue Anthology - 07/21/2017

Hot off the press! I have three monologues published in this new volume of comedy monologues!
"The funniest, hottest monologues available! From writers as varied as Anton Chekhov, Will Eno,, Reina Hardy, David Rakoff, Mark Twain and Lauren Gunderson. You'll find shades of comedy from light to dark, situational humor, word play, absurdity, surrealism, and first-rate character work by some very funny writers. It's all here!"
And you'll find mine, too. Congrats to my colleagues Bob Kerr, Lia Romeo, Glenn Alterman and more.
"The funniest, hottest monologues available! From writers as varied as Anton Chekhov, Will Eno,, Reina Hardy, David Rakoff, Mark Twain and Lauren Gunderson. You'll find shades of comedy from light to dark, situational humor, word play, absurdity, surrealism, and first-rate character work by some very funny writers. It's all here!"
And you'll find mine, too. Congrats to my colleagues Bob Kerr, Lia Romeo, Glenn Alterman and more.
July Update - 07/06/2017
My play, I Love Lucy, was selected for production in the Short+Sweet festival in Hollywood. Insulation won the Festival 56 New Works Festival. A staged reading will be presented at the Grace Performing Arts Center in Princeton, Illinois. I was also invited by the Rising Sun Performance Company to participate in a week-long residency at the end of August on Governor's Island, culminating in a performance of Big Apple Bytes: an evening of site-specific plays, directed by Joan Kane.
In press: Rachel Holds Court in: Later Chapters: The Best Scenes and Monologues for Actors Over 50, Applause Books (Diana Amsterdam, editor). Three monologues in: The Ultimate Audition Book Vol. 5: 222 More Comedy Monologues, Smith & Kraus (Carol Boynton, editor). I also authored an article for Methods: A Journal of Acting Pedagogy, Pace Press (Ruis Woertendyke, editor). More info to follow!
Oh, but my BEST news is this: On July 4, I became a Great Aunt. Welcome, Damian!
In press: Rachel Holds Court in: Later Chapters: The Best Scenes and Monologues for Actors Over 50, Applause Books (Diana Amsterdam, editor). Three monologues in: The Ultimate Audition Book Vol. 5: 222 More Comedy Monologues, Smith & Kraus (Carol Boynton, editor). I also authored an article for Methods: A Journal of Acting Pedagogy, Pace Press (Ruis Woertendyke, editor). More info to follow!
Oh, but my BEST news is this: On July 4, I became a Great Aunt. Welcome, Damian!
Do Student Actors Need to Study Diverse Roles? A Battle for Diversity in Theatre Education - Huffington Post, 05/29/2017
Excerpt from an article written by Amy Oestreicher, Contributor, for Huffington Post
Scenes From a Diverse World
Williams volunteered to edit a book of short scenes for 2-3 actors, suitable for audition pieces or student acting class work. The thematic focus of the book would be “diverse voices” — drama about characters from under-represented minorities, and the challenges these individuals face. As simple as this idea seemed, the publication of ICWP’s Scenes from a Diverse World supports gender equity in theater, and opens up new worlds for theater students. From war-torn Uganda to turn-of-the-century Paris, and a World War II internment camp to inner-city L.A., students of theater will find new worlds to explore, inhabited by a colorful cast of characters: gangsters, gamers, athletes, evangelists and artists. You’ll meet a Japanese-American soldier dating an Arab exchange student, a young, Native American psychic, a bullied fat girl who decides to fight back, and an intersex teen living in a 19th century convent. In Bara Swain’s Unconditionally, two young people connect at the wedding of their gay fathers. In Emily Cicchini’s Like A Metaphor, a fourteen-year-old paraplegic learns to dance. In Anita Chandwaney’s 20/20, second-generation Indian immigrants to the USA discover a family connection. In Felicity McCall’s Sofa Surfers, homeless Irish teens struggle to escape the burden of their troubled families. In Harriet’s House by Tara Goldstein, an adopted Canadian girl explores her Colombian roots.
Scenes From a Diverse World
Williams volunteered to edit a book of short scenes for 2-3 actors, suitable for audition pieces or student acting class work. The thematic focus of the book would be “diverse voices” — drama about characters from under-represented minorities, and the challenges these individuals face. As simple as this idea seemed, the publication of ICWP’s Scenes from a Diverse World supports gender equity in theater, and opens up new worlds for theater students. From war-torn Uganda to turn-of-the-century Paris, and a World War II internment camp to inner-city L.A., students of theater will find new worlds to explore, inhabited by a colorful cast of characters: gangsters, gamers, athletes, evangelists and artists. You’ll meet a Japanese-American soldier dating an Arab exchange student, a young, Native American psychic, a bullied fat girl who decides to fight back, and an intersex teen living in a 19th century convent. In Bara Swain’s Unconditionally, two young people connect at the wedding of their gay fathers. In Emily Cicchini’s Like A Metaphor, a fourteen-year-old paraplegic learns to dance. In Anita Chandwaney’s 20/20, second-generation Indian immigrants to the USA discover a family connection. In Felicity McCall’s Sofa Surfers, homeless Irish teens struggle to escape the burden of their troubled families. In Harriet’s House by Tara Goldstein, an adopted Canadian girl explores her Colombian roots.
Festival 56 Announces Winners of 2017 New Works Festival Playwriting Competition - posted 6.3.17
From the Artistic Director: Thank you to all who submitted! We had a fantastic bunch of over 500 plays. Congratulations to the winners! The winners will be given a professional staged reading on August 5th at 2pm at the Grace Performing Arts Center.
One Act Play, Winner:
The Hired Help by Kyle Burch
Ten Minute Play, Winners:
Insulation by Bara Swain
Summer Solstice by Matt Henderson
That Night "Butcher" Pete Wilcox Got Knocked Out by Jessie "The Cannon" Tesori by Jonathon Cook
The Bloody Cow by J. C. Svec
What's A Little Ax Between Friends by Joe Starzyk
Seasons by George Sapio
Readings will be performed at the Grace Performing Arts Center in Princeton, Illinois.
One Act Play, Winner:
The Hired Help by Kyle Burch
Ten Minute Play, Winners:
Insulation by Bara Swain
Summer Solstice by Matt Henderson
That Night "Butcher" Pete Wilcox Got Knocked Out by Jessie "The Cannon" Tesori by Jonathon Cook
The Bloody Cow by J. C. Svec
What's A Little Ax Between Friends by Joe Starzyk
Seasons by George Sapio
Readings will be performed at the Grace Performing Arts Center in Princeton, Illinois.
TURN! TURN! TURN! - Birdhouse Theatre, 2017 Edge Fest, GA - posted 6.2.17
LITTLE BLACK DRESS, The New American Theatre, CA - posted 5.23.17
READING OF PROVIDENCE, Articulate Theatre Company, T. Schreiber Studios, NYC (directed by Cat Parker) - posted 5.19.17

My play, THE BEST OR NOTHING, is part of an evening of 10-minute plays by Athena
Writers 2017, A NEW MEMORY, at Symphony Space on Monday, 5/15 @ 7pm.
Other participants:
FUN RUN by Nora Sorena Casey
STAND by Adam Seidel
(RE)3 PORT/SIST/CLAIM by Meron Langsner
THE INCIDENT AT SIRIUS D by Julienne Hairston
THE BLUEST SKY by Rachel Mann
CAMOUFLAGE by Brenda Foley
Directed by Noa Egozi

"The Slogan Plays" has launched! Hold the date! On May 7th @ 3pm, join us
for a free event at Urban Stages, in celebration of women artists!
Six new short plays, inspired by a slogan, will be staged at Urban Stages,
located at 259 West 30th Street. The event is free!
DON'T BE EVIL by Dara O'Brien
CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW? by Bara Swain
An "Urban Stages New Pages" program, facilitated by Creative Consultant,
Bara Swain
CALIFORNIA, HERE I COME! - posted 4.15.17
Two of my plays will be performed in California in April and June (Jewish Women's Theatre and The New American Theatre). More info forthcoming!! (No, I won't be heading to the West Coast. Still, it's great to share my voice out there!)
LSSC SHORT PLAY FESTIVAL, Fine Arts Center Theatre, FL - posted 4.08.17

PROTOCOL and GIVE AND TAKE opened this week at the LSSC Festival. My plays were selected from 1,000 submissions!
Looking forward to receiving photos of the productions!
AND -- GIVE AND TAKE was chosen as an audience favorite. I will use my gift certificate wisely ... although that's not my style!
Looking forward to receiving photos of the productions!
AND -- GIVE AND TAKE was chosen as an audience favorite. I will use my gift certificate wisely ... although that's not my style!
PLAY WITH YOUR FOOD, Greenwich, CT - posted 3.09.17
TURN! TURN! TURN! closed on Sunday. Congrats, Bethel and Emily! We had fun! - posted 2.13.17
TURN! TURN! TURN! opened in AN ECLECTIC EVENING OF SHORTS - Artistic New Directions, NYC - posted 2.4.17
Two of my short plays were selected for the LSSC Short Play Festival in Florida. Amidst the craziness this week, I'm cherishing this note from the producer:
"It is my pleasure to let you know that, out of nearly 1,000 submissions, 2 of your pieces were selected, and we will be performing both Protocol and Give and Take on Friday April 7th and Sunday April 9th."
"It is my pleasure to let you know that, out of nearly 1,000 submissions, 2 of your pieces were selected, and we will be performing both Protocol and Give and Take on Friday April 7th and Sunday April 9th."
AN ECLECTIC EVENING OF SHORTS - Artistic New Directions - posted 1.20.17
My short play, TURN! TURN! TURN, is being presented in the Boxers program at Theatre 54 on February 3-12, featuring Bethel Caram and Emily Dahlke. I'm looking forward to seeing these wonderful actors grace the stage. Vincent Scott is the director.
Other playwrights in the Boxers program include Glenn Alterman, Margaret Geraghty, Jennifer Rudin and Jeffrey Sweet. Jeffrey's play is directed by the one and only Michael Learned of "The Waltons" fame. Oh, I'm aging myself!
Other playwrights in the Boxers program include Glenn Alterman, Margaret Geraghty, Jennifer Rudin and Jeffrey Sweet. Jeffrey's play is directed by the one and only Michael Learned of "The Waltons" fame. Oh, I'm aging myself!
ATHENA WRITES 2017 - Athena Theatre, NYC - posted 1.12.17
The Athena Theatre Playwright Group 2017 has been announced! I'm looking forward to the first meeting!
ECLECTIC SHORTS - Artistic New Directions, NYC - posted 1.11.17
My short play, Turn! Turn! Turn!, is appearing in the Boxers Series at Artistic New Directions Eclectic Evening of Shorts, under the direction of Vincent Scott, featuring Bethel Caram and Emily Dahlke. This is my fourth production with AND Theatre (Co-Artistic Directors Janice Goldberg and Kristin Niven). Broadway World announced the programming at: AND Theatre to Present Eclectic Evening of Shorts with BOXERS & BRIEFS Series at Theatre 54
THE JANUARY PLAYS - posted 1.09.17
THE JANUARY PLAYS had a wonderful turn-out yesterday at Urban Stages ... and we had fun!
Publications, 222 More Comedy Monologues, Smith & Kraus - posted 1.06.17

Three monologues from my short plays SPREADIN' THE NEWS, BEREAVEMENT GROUP and PROTOCOL will be included in 222 More Comedy Monologues published by Smith and Kraus (Carol Boynton, editor).
Other playwrights include Christopher Durang, Will Eno, Halley Feiffer, and my colleagues and friends, Glenn Alterman, Hal Corley, Penny Jackson, Robert Kerr, Nina Mansfield, Duncan Pflaster and Lia Romeo. The anticipated publication date is early 2017.
Other playwrights include Christopher Durang, Will Eno, Halley Feiffer, and my colleagues and friends, Glenn Alterman, Hal Corley, Penny Jackson, Robert Kerr, Nina Mansfield, Duncan Pflaster and Lia Romeo. The anticipated publication date is early 2017.
The January Plays - Sunday, January 8th @ 2pm & 4pm - posted 12.28.16

I am producing THE JANUARY PLAYS at Urban Stages, a festival of staged readings inspired by the month of January. This is our fourth short play program as part of the initiative, "Urban Stages New Pages."
The ten-minute plays are selected, actors are cast, directors are assigned, and rehearsals begin on Monday. Performances are Sunday, January 8, at 2pm and 4pm. This is a FREE public event at Urban Stages, 259 W. 30th Street.
Colleagues and friends, you'll see many familiar faces here! Melissa Skirboll is wearing two hats -- director and actor. Melissa and I met in 2011 during tech for the NYC ICON PLAYS, produced by Ego Actus Theatre Company at Theater 54. We've been working (and playing) together ever since!
Joan Kane, the Co-Artistic Director of Ego Actus, is also directing. Joan was recently named Best Director of the 2016 United Solo Festival. I attended the one-woman show, THE LIFE AND INTENTIONS OF HEDDY LAMARR, skillfully directed with humor and passion by my remarkable friend. Heather Massie portrayed Heddy, entertaining us with a spirited, multi-dimensional performance. In fact, Heather inspired me to write a short play, RESPONSIBLE, presented as a staged reading at my former stomping ground, Abingdon Theatre Company. Heather will be gracing the stage in James Armstrong's BURNS NIGHT.
The first mainstage production I attended at Abingdon Theatre in 2006 was Armstrong's FOGGY BOTTOM. Abingdon's former Literary Manager and Associate Artistic Director, Kim T. Sharp, is also returning to direct for "Urban Stages New Pages." In October, he directed Lily Rusek's ILLINOIS GOTHIC for our Fall Reading Series, featuring Jessica Vera and Jamie Geiger. Jamie is performing in Barbara Blumenthal-Ehrlich's NEW YEAR'S REZZIES.
Barbara and I met in Chicago last summer. Our plays were selected for ATHE's New Play Development Workshop. Subsequently, Barbara attended the New American Theatre Company's Festival of one-act plays in LA, featuring her beautifully written and moving play, THE NUMBER, and my play ... yes, RESPONSIBLE. (Thank you, Heather!)
I am so proud to be a member of this theatre community. I can go on and on about every single participant! I know many of the actors from other venues -- Articulate Theatre, Rising Sun, Gallery Players, Barrow Group, Pause & Play, Abingdon, HB. Oh, I recently had the privilege to attend Astoria Performing Arts Center final production of 2016, EVENSONG. Director Dev Bondarin just celebrated her second anniversary at APAC as Artistic Director. I'm so glad to have her on board at Urban Stages! And director Vincent Scott is helming a two-hander of mine in Eclectic Shorts at Artistic New Directions in February, featuring Bethel Caram. Yes, check out the flyer, folks! Bethel and Vincent are joining us for THE JANUARY PLAYS.
I hope you can join us, too. I promise -- we'll have fun!
And one final note. None of this would be possible without the support of Urban Stages' founding Artistic Director, FRANCES HILL. Thank you, Frances, for giving 28 theatre artists the opportunity to work in 2017.
The ten-minute plays are selected, actors are cast, directors are assigned, and rehearsals begin on Monday. Performances are Sunday, January 8, at 2pm and 4pm. This is a FREE public event at Urban Stages, 259 W. 30th Street.
Colleagues and friends, you'll see many familiar faces here! Melissa Skirboll is wearing two hats -- director and actor. Melissa and I met in 2011 during tech for the NYC ICON PLAYS, produced by Ego Actus Theatre Company at Theater 54. We've been working (and playing) together ever since!
Joan Kane, the Co-Artistic Director of Ego Actus, is also directing. Joan was recently named Best Director of the 2016 United Solo Festival. I attended the one-woman show, THE LIFE AND INTENTIONS OF HEDDY LAMARR, skillfully directed with humor and passion by my remarkable friend. Heather Massie portrayed Heddy, entertaining us with a spirited, multi-dimensional performance. In fact, Heather inspired me to write a short play, RESPONSIBLE, presented as a staged reading at my former stomping ground, Abingdon Theatre Company. Heather will be gracing the stage in James Armstrong's BURNS NIGHT.
The first mainstage production I attended at Abingdon Theatre in 2006 was Armstrong's FOGGY BOTTOM. Abingdon's former Literary Manager and Associate Artistic Director, Kim T. Sharp, is also returning to direct for "Urban Stages New Pages." In October, he directed Lily Rusek's ILLINOIS GOTHIC for our Fall Reading Series, featuring Jessica Vera and Jamie Geiger. Jamie is performing in Barbara Blumenthal-Ehrlich's NEW YEAR'S REZZIES.
Barbara and I met in Chicago last summer. Our plays were selected for ATHE's New Play Development Workshop. Subsequently, Barbara attended the New American Theatre Company's Festival of one-act plays in LA, featuring her beautifully written and moving play, THE NUMBER, and my play ... yes, RESPONSIBLE. (Thank you, Heather!)
I am so proud to be a member of this theatre community. I can go on and on about every single participant! I know many of the actors from other venues -- Articulate Theatre, Rising Sun, Gallery Players, Barrow Group, Pause & Play, Abingdon, HB. Oh, I recently had the privilege to attend Astoria Performing Arts Center final production of 2016, EVENSONG. Director Dev Bondarin just celebrated her second anniversary at APAC as Artistic Director. I'm so glad to have her on board at Urban Stages! And director Vincent Scott is helming a two-hander of mine in Eclectic Shorts at Artistic New Directions in February, featuring Bethel Caram. Yes, check out the flyer, folks! Bethel and Vincent are joining us for THE JANUARY PLAYS.
I hope you can join us, too. I promise -- we'll have fun!
And one final note. None of this would be possible without the support of Urban Stages' founding Artistic Director, FRANCES HILL. Thank you, Frances, for giving 28 theatre artists the opportunity to work in 2017.